Happened again - put DD in for her nap a little before 12:30. She was half asleep 15-20 minutes later when she pooped, heard me in the hallway and asked for a clean diaper. I changed her in the crib, told her it was naptime and left. But I guess the poop made her miss her window and now it's almost 2:20 and she's still awake! I've gone in twice to remind her its naptime, give her a kiss, etc but she can't sleep. I asked her if she wanted to get up and she said no close eyes. I asked her if she wanted to sleep in the stroller and she said no in here.
So what do I do? I feel terrible keeping her in there awake so long and she so needs a nap. She woke at 7:20 this morning and bedtime is usually between 8 and 8:30 (most often right around 8:15). Do I keep her in there? Take her out to play for a bit and then in stroller? If she does fall asleep now or in stroller how long do I let her nap for and then when should bedtime be? TIA