Author Topic: Routine issues...may have figured out what I am doing need HELP!!  (Read 1099 times)

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Offline Scubadork

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Okay ladies...this morning, I took a breather and tried to figure out what I am doing wrong. Here's a bit of background info.

My LO will be 7 weeks this Friday.  I have been doing bw since she was born.  She is breastfed exclusively.  She was 6 lbs 6 oz when born.  She now weighs 9 lbs.  She is swaddled for all naps.  She was on a great schedule eating most of the time at a 3 hour interval.  Then all of a sudden everything fell apart.  She started waking up from her naps and giving eating cues after only 1 1/2 to 1 hour and 45 minutes later.  I tried shh/pat and she would only get angrier, cry louder etc.  As soon as I would pick her up, she would start rooting.  I tried holding her off but it always led to her shh/pat going into 40 minutes plus, so I would wind up feeding her anyhow.  Now, keep in mind, this wasn't every cycle, just 2-3 during a day.  So, that was problem one. 

Problem two.  I was following the EAS pattern very well.  She would fall asleep 3-4 minutes into the feeding.  So, I would have to wake her up and change her diaper, then I would continue to feed her.  Well somehow I managed to continue this routine.  Now, she eats for approx 7-8 minutes.  I change her diaper and try to get her to go back to the breast without success.  So, then I start her activity time.  At the end of her activity time, she is rooting.  At first I just thought she was tired, but then realized she was showing all the hunger cues.  So, I feed her. This time for approximately 5 minutes.  Then swaddle, and put her to bed.  This doesn't happen during her night feeds, just the ones during the day.  I just realized today that I have been doing this since she increased her feed times. do I fix it?  She is basically doing EAES...wrong, I know.  As for the time she eats, I know it isn't much time.  However, the lactation counselor says she is simply an efficient eater because she is gaining weigh.  I have also done weigh/feed/weighs...weighing her before eating, feeding her, then weighing her again and she is getting 2.5-3 oz.  (sometimes more)at the 7-8 min feed. 

Herein lies problem three.  For the past few days, she hasn't been able to go even three hours between feeds.  Here is her routine from yesterday.  It was a nightmare.

E  445
A  None 
S  500

E  700
A  None
S  715

E  930
A  Change diaper/clothes/Go for walk in stroller
S 1030

E  1230
A  Play on playmat
S  120

E  320
A  Sing
S  400

E  530
A  Bathtime
E  615 (after bath)
S  630

E  800
A  None
S  810

DF  1000
woke up during DF
1110 Still awake fidgeting/flailing/not crying tried shh/pat to no avail
1115 fed again
1130  Asleep
1145 awake
1220  asleep

E  1.40  (woke up frantically screaming for food)
A  None
S  2:00

E  300
A  None
S  3:15

E  600
S  610

E  745  (current)
A  change clothes/play on mat with mommy
S  840

Now keep in mind with each of the day feedings, I seem to always feed her again after activity.  I have really tried not to, but she always seems hungry.  I have tried putting her down without doing that...doing the shh/pat in her crib and I wind up having to feed her anyway after 45 min of shh/pat.  However, up until 2-3 days ago she was at least going the full 3 hours between feedings and sleeping at least 4-4.5 hours at night.  Now, nothing is working.  I am assuming it is a growth spurt. 

So, I think the shorter times between feeds is a growth spurt. 

What do I need to do to fix her EAES routine with success? 

I only have 5 weeks left before I return to work!  I need to get this fixed asap!!

I apologize for this being so long.  I wanted to make sure you had all the facts!!  I appreciate any help/advice or suggestions you may have!! :)


Offline marcimommy

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Well, if she's routing and showing hunger cues, than she's hungry and you need to feed her. There is a GS at 6 weeks which could cauze her to want to eat every 2 hours instead the 3. I don't think that 7-8 min of nursing is enough around this age, they usually get more efficent later around 16-18 weeks. When you change her during the feeding is she falling asleep? What about changing her after the feeding? That may disrupt her and she thinks that the feediing is over. As I see you need to make sure that she takes good feedings during the day! You might post your question on the BF board, they have a lot of info how to encurage your LO to nurse better! HTH

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Offline Scubadork

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From birth to about 5 weeks, she was falling asleep after 4-5 minutes of eating.  So, yes, I would have to change her diaper in order to get her to wake up.  Now, I think it is just out of habit for her.  She isn't falling asleep but after 7-8 minutes she is done and just "plays" with my nipple.  She doesn't suck, she just holds it in her mouth.  So, I take that as a cue to start A time.  Then after 30 minutes or so of A time, she seems hungry again??  Not sure what is going on here. 

Offline MJMom

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I used to do this "pump" game with my LO.  I pumped her little arm while saying "pump, pump, pump, pump'.  Silly.  But it kept her awake and focused and eating.  Or I'd say, c'mon honey... focus focus focus!  eat eat eat.  Just little goofy things.  This was all because my ped when she was 4 days old told me that 1 hr 15 min. to eat was too long and that it should be down to like 20 minutes.  I didn't realize the goal was 20 minutes at 8 weeks not 8 days.  :D

Have you tried offering her a pacifier?  She is more alert than she was at 4 or 5 weeks and still should have a strong sucking instinct.  She may just be getting tired and want to suck on something to soothe. 

Offline Scubadork

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Unfortunately, she won't take a pacifier.  I have tried every one on the market!!  I have even tried preemie ones but as soon as I put it in her mouth she gags.  Not sure what to do.  Occassionally, she will suck on my arm, but that's about it!   :-\

Offline MJMom

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Could she actually be tired and not hungry after 30 minutes of A time?  For example, my LO, would bury herself in my chest when she was tired and hungry.  THe difference between the two was when she was hungry she would bob her head a bit.  Very very subtle.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 17:20:31 pm by MJMom »