Author Topic: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier  (Read 3932 times)

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Offline jmosery

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15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« on: October 21, 2007, 09:17:27 am »
my 15 month old is sooo overtired

he started daycare about 6 weeks ago. he used to go to bed at 7pm and wake at 6 or 7am but now its 5am and this morning, 4:30

he goes to bed at 7pm and they nap at 12 in daycare. in daycare he naps 2-3 hours

i thought maybe he was waking at 5am because he was naping longer there and he only needed 10 hours of night sleep but i dont think thats the problem

i think he is overtired. he is wired when he is up. yesterday he was literally running circles around our house laughing. the poor kid is tired

if i start putting him to bed at 5pm, aren't i just promoting ealier wake up times. and if he only "needs" 10-11 hours of night sleep, then i'll have a kid waking at 3-4 am everyday

he wakes up crying but if I take him right downstairs he stops. if I try to put him back to bed, or cuddle with him, bring him to our bed, he gets more mad and then it just takes me longer to calm him when i do take him downstairs

i have a 3 month old and she has a noise machine in her room but his screaming goes well above that and he has woken her at times. not worth it so now i jjust take him downstairs quickly so he doesnt wake her up

i dont know what to do. at school he naps from 12-2 or 12-3

i cant put him to bed at 5pm as he isnt ready and we get home then. so the ealiest i can get him to bed is 6pm

but again, wont i be promoting a 4-5 am wake up then

and in 2 weeks we turn the clocks back tooo

at home on teh weekends he doesn't nap long. 1-1.5 hours

i was thinking of doing TWO naps today to try and catch him up on sleep. so he woke at 4:30 this morning. he'll be in for a nap at 9am and then what? if I put him down for a nap at 2pm then he wont want to go to bed at 5 or 6

what to do????


Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


Offline Bubblegumbod

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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 18:19:57 pm »
My 15 month old sounds a bit like yours.  Our thread is just below I think.  Our ds is up round about 5-5.30.  I'm keeping him up then till around 9-9.30 and letting him have 1hrs nap.  He's having lunch around 12, milk around 1 then having another nap around 1.30-2.  This one is about 1.5hrs.  Dinner at 5, bed routine starts at 6.15-6.30 and hopefully down by 7pm.

Can you ask nursery not to let him have such a long sleep?

Hope you can sort it.  Our ds is making small improvements, then steps of those things, but sure we'll sort it soon.

Good luck

Sharon x


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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2007, 19:15:02 pm »

does the nursery usually let him wake on his own or do they have a set time they wake them up?

i agree he sounds overtired,DD will do the same when she is overtired (running around etc).Implementing an early bedtime will not mean an early wake up.its giving him the opportunity to catch up on sleep.

Would the nursery know how well he is napping?Is he really napping 2-3 hrs or is his sleep unsettled at nursery?

Offline jmosery

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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2007, 00:28:36 am »
he sleeps whenever he wants. their have been times where he has literally fallen asleep at the table eating lunch. they'll put him down and then eat when he gets up

each day he sleeps different amounts but this past week i've noticed that he's been sleeping from 12-2 or 12-2:30

maybe he's getting into a pattern

this past sunday I put him to bed at 6:15, HE WAS OUT. and he slept till 6am

so a nice 12 hours

but this past week he's been out by 6:45-7 and he wakes at 5 or 5:30

its hard with two infants to get them both fed, bathed and spend 1/2 hour playing with them

i think its great that they are both down by 7pm, i just dont think i can put him down earlier

now in 2 weeks the time changes. so we'll be all messed up again for a bit.

Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


Offline KathrynK

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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2007, 10:50:34 am »
Hi Jaime
Definitely when Sophie is a bit OT from nursery the solution is an early night- if I can get her asleep by 6.30 she will sleep right through till 6.30/7 the next morning; if she goes to sleep after 7pm then she will guaranteed by awake before 5.45am. I can set my clock by her with these sleep/ wake patterns.
Do you have someone else at home to help at bathtime? Can you perhaps delay dd's bath/ bedtime a bit in order to get Michael down earlier?? just a thought x

Offline jmosery

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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2007, 12:31:06 pm »
my goal tonight is to have him down by 6

he woke again at 5, so he's only getting 10 hours at night and by 8am this morning, his eyes were so red.

now my 4 month old is starting to get up early too. she goes to bed at 7 and has been waking at 5

the days that my DS wakes later and noone else is up at 5am, she will eat and go back to sleep. but when DS is up, she doesnt go back to bed. so now she's starting to routinely get up early

today she woke at 4-4:30(not sure) and was talking to herself. so i didnt go in. at 5am she started to really fuss. i fed her, changed her(she pooped which is why she probably woke in the first place) and tried to put her back down. but she had already been up playing in the dark for almost an hour, she was up for the day

not sure what to do about those situations either. you dont want to go in too soon as maybe they will fall back asleep on their own, but usually not and then they are awake that early.

so frustrating

Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


Offline KathrynK

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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2007, 12:39:00 pm »
{{ hugs }} to you Jaime xx

Offline jmosery

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Re: 15 month old sooo overtired, now waking earlier and earlier
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2007, 09:06:21 am »
so tried putting him down early yesterday at 6pm

oh no, he cried and cried and ended up falling asleep LATER 7:15

and this morning, has been up since 4:30

the problem with earlier bedtime is that at daycare he naps from 12-2:30 or 2

so he isnt tired by 6

its that long morning stretch thats killing us

im going to ask if he could go down earlier there but i doubt it as they have 12 kids and 3 teachers in the class and the whole class naps together

i dont know. i'm tired and i go back to work in a week

you would think my newborn would be giving me all these problems

Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07
