My lo has always been pretty great at going down for naps as long as I time things right and everything. She's been an independent sleeper for the majority of her life, but this new crazy behavior is really scaring me. This is what happens during all naptimes now: As soon as I enter her room, or get near her crib, she starts to cry. When I lay her down, she immediately stands up and cries/screams as hard as she can. If I pick her up, she still screams, if I put her down, she screams more, if I try to settle her by hugging her (while she stands), sing to her, rub her back or head, talk to reassuringly, she still screams. She will continue to scream until I take her out of the room and engage her another activity so that she knows that naptime is for sure over. Even if I try to read her a book quietly in her room, she'll keep screaming because we're still in the naptime area. The only way it's worked to have her sleep after this is for me to walk out and if she collapses and falls asleep in the first 5-10 minutes, I know she's okay, but if it goes beyond that, she can go on for 30 minutes. Which I don't let it get to now that I know that's what can happen. I feel like she is quickly developing negative associations with her room/crib/and naptimes because it has become such a traumatic thing (for both of us!)
I don't want her going to sleep this way - what else can I do? When I read about PU/PD or WI/WO it sounds like you do those techniques to calm them and then leave them alone again. Well, she never calms, so what can I do?
I know that her schedule has a lot to do with this violent protesting, because it hasn't been working for the last week. But I'm trying desperately to experiment to get it right, but EVERY nap is now like this, so I feel like I can't make any progress in trying to figure things out and help her!
What can I do in this situation to help her while I get her schedule worked out?
thanks for any advice, and sorry to be posting so much lately, I'm just out of ideas,