I have a headache as I am writing this because it has been MONTHS since I have had a FULL uninterrupted nights' worth of sleep. My dd is about 2 1/2 now. She had been a wonderful sleeper from 1-2 yo. Well since she has turned 2, she started to cry waking up in the middle of the night. At first we would go in to see if she was dreaming or if anything was wrong. We quickly realized NOTHING was wrong, but she just woke up crying. That is when I first wrote to BW to find out what to do. We at first would go in and maybe pick her up and rock her back to sleep but realized that was getting out of ocntrol. (She falls back asleep pretty quickly though so she is never up that long). Then we started to go in and just rub her back for about 30 seconds, and she would plop back down on her pillow and fall right back asleep (as per the BW). HOwever, I thought that this phase would be over by now...Well, this routine has been going on for months now (probably about 3 months). I am soo sleep deprived because when she wakes up, I can't fall back asleep. It is just torture. She is obviously in the habit of waking up, crying out to us, then getting her back rubbed and falling back to sleep. How do I break her out of it? Do I let her cry it out longer than I have? We go in about 30 secs after she starts crying. Is that too soon? I know that she will cry and cry, if we just let her. We have tried in the past to let her cry longer, but I feel like that will just get her riled up so she won't want to fall back asleep. I am at my wits end...
Here is her schedule if that helps: btw, no matter how long her nap is, she has done this. Could be 1 hr could be 2, she still wakes up...
6:30/7:30 (varies); wake up
7-7:30 eats/drinks milk
12-12:30 eats lunch
1:00/1:30: naps
3/3:30 wakes (if not awake by 4, I get her up)
7:30 start bed routine (bath, stories, songs)
8:30 asleep
Thanks so much in advance.