Author Topic: Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!  (Read 1010 times)

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Offline LaNita

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Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!
« on: October 29, 2007, 17:10:37 pm »
Hi all, I started my dd on the 3 hr EASY about 4 days ago to see if it'd help with her evening-time fussiness which usually lasts from 7pm until she finally goes to bed at 11pm (one time 'til 2:30am). Sometimes she's gassy but most times she's just plain 'ol grouchy..EASY definitely works like a charm until around her late-afternoon nap (its kind of hard to get her down for so she might miss out on some sleep). But NOW her cranky time starts earlier, about 5:30ish. She wont be shh/patted to sleep...she only wants the breast to sleep, and after falling asleep she'll wake right back up when put down or only stay sleep for 20 min. (if that). I really need some help b/c her father and I get no evening/night time and dinner time is close to non-existent for me. And on top of that, she's been waking every 2 hrs at night HUNGRY...she hasn't done that in a long time. Before EASY I fed her every 2 hrs during the day and at night she'd only wake every 4 hrs......any thoughts??

Offline momofclaire

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Re: Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 20:21:27 pm »
Welcome to the BW boards!
I have a few questions that will help me get a better grasp on what is going on with your little one.

How old is she?
Can you post your easy routine for me?
Do you generally bf her to sleep for naps and bedtime? 
Does she eat well during the day?  Do you think she could be going through a growth spurt?

It sounds like the breast might have become a prop for her. If you have been feeding to sleep for some time she might think that she needs it to go to sleep. 

Post back and I will try to give more advice and ask less questions.  ;) :)
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline LaNita

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Re: Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2007, 00:45:06 am »
She's 8 wks...I realize this is a late start but I just found BW. and just to make sure, she should be on the 3 hr. EASY right? This is how today has went so far:
 E: 7am
 S: 7:30am
 E: 10:30am
 A: 11am
 S: 11:30
 E: 2:30 (i know this should've been 1:30 but after last night, I figured we both just wanted to sleep)
 A: 2:55
 S: 3:30 (this is where it gets hard, she woke up at 4:12, at at 4:30 and went back to sleep at 5:30 to wake up at 6)
 E: 7:30
 S: 7:45 (fingers crossed)

I try my hardest to not let her fall asleep at the breast b/c I don't want her to associate it with sleep, I do sometimes use it to calm her if nothing else will work. I don't typically feed her right before naps/bed. She was a snacker, so I'm trying to reverse that by stretching her feedings to every 3 hrs, but when I do, she wakes up HUNGRY every 2 hrs at night. She's not going through a growth spurt b/c she just had one.

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Re: Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2007, 01:09:03 am »
Hi and welcome.  Here is my 2cents for what it's worth.
Does she sleep well in the am, it looks like she goes to bed right after she wakes, is this too soon, it there activity?  I do not blame you for not waking the baby I would not either.  You could try cluster feeding in the evening.  It lookds like she is going from 230 until 730 and that is a long time.  try every 2 hours.  Also do you have a wind down routine for bed times?  They help a lot to establish a routine for your lo.  Also you could put a dream feed into place around 10 ish and get a few more hours for you.

Good luck to Daisy!!
Born July 25, 2007
My perfect little bug.

Offline LaNita

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Re: Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2007, 01:57:51 am »
yeah i meant to put tthat she ate at 4:30 sorry...there's no way we could go that long during the day without a feeding...and i'd put a dream feed in place if she'd stay sleep lol...thats my biggest problem. she's awake and playing now. wouldn't go back to sleep. so i'll try to feed her in about 30 min.? and put her back to bed?...i get so confused about what to do at this point. for naps and bed i make the room really dark, put on her waves cd on, sit and rub her back, then in to bed. she always has to be shushed/patted to sleep though. thanks for suggestions so far, willing to hear more, if there are any

Offline momofclaire

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Re: Hi...I'm a PLEASE!!
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2007, 02:31:04 am »
Don't worry, 8 weeks is not too late, as a matter of fact, many people don't start an easy routine until then.
Right now I would work hard to attempt to stretch her feeds to 3 hours, although if she is hungry at 2.5 hours certainly feed her.  The clock isn't the most important thing about easy. The best thing to do is to work within the order of events to avoid props.  I would try to settle her with shh/pat instead of nursing to sleep.
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