HELP!!! I can't tell a mantra cry from the real thing. What he is doing when he wakes up is start "crying" "mememememe, dadadadada, mememememe, eeeeeeee" this is very differnet than any cry he uses at any other time, so I think it is a mantra cry and I think I have been responding to it. As soon as I go in to his room to do a PD he stops, then I see there aren't even any tears (most of the time), which is why I think it is a mantra cry?
? It gets louder and then quieter, every once in a while he will throw in "mamamamamama".
I have been listening to this "cry" for about 3 hours a day for the last 5 days, between naps and night time and it is starting to make me crazy! If I go in and lay him down and sit in his door way he will go back to sleep most of the time, but I think this is only solving the short term problem and not teaching him how to sleep. I don't know what happened, he is almost 14mths old, we started PD with gradual withdrawl 15 days ago. He seemed to catch on really quickly at first for night time sleep, we were seeing 6 and 8 hour blocks of sleep. Then about day 8 he was sleeping through the night for 3 days in a row. Then 4 nights ago he was back to being up 3 and 4 times a night. His naps have been a wreck through all of this. At first he just wanted to mess around in the crib as long as I was in the room with him. So, I made a post and was advised to leave the room if he starts messing around, which makes sense, so I started doing that. Now he flips out and starts his "memememe" cry. Now he is content to lay in his crib just looking at me, he is not messing around nearly as much because he has figured out that if he starts that I leave the room (I'm only standing in the door way as it is!)
So, here are my thoughts...
1) I think I have been responding to a mantra cry...and I need to stop (but I want to be sure it is a mantra cry)
2) I think it is time to start WI/WO...I mean I'm already at the door way, I have no place else to go for gradual withdrawl, I mean you have to leave the room at some point right?
Please tell me this gets better...there seemed to be so much hope a week ago, and now it is worse then the first few nights!
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!