Author Topic: Is it hunger or habit  (Read 702 times)

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Is it hunger or habit
« on: November 03, 2007, 13:59:32 pm »
IM having trouble with night wakings aswell. Im so confuse to know if hes hungry or habit . He has his DF at arouen 10-11..which he usually waked up for. Then its a case of him being up at 12:30 if im lucky he will start at 1:20  and then every hour after. then theres usually a two hour break and the once 4:30 hits its every 40 min. I know he cant be hungry the whole time but he only takes in 1oz  or 2??? I would question the amt as well except during the day he only takes in 3-4 oz of his bottles (3 1/2 months old)  some night tryinf a paci or water has helped other nights he will not stop crying till he sucks at the bottle. Help me please

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Re: Is it hunger or habit
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 20:13:04 pm »
Hi there and welcome to the boards!

Can you post your routine for us please, and I will see if I can think of anything to help

Also how does he get to sleep for naps and bedtime - can he go to sleep independently or does he need to feed/suck to get to sleep?


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