Hello everyone! I used to post on here quite a bit and found SO many things helpful, but since about May, I've not been on at all! We spent the summer at the lake with family and also moved (major move), so since we finally got our house the beginning of September, we've been getting our DD back into her routine!
During the summer, in order to make things easier for everyone, I took naps with our daughter and also had her sleep with us part of the night. This didn't work for us at all! It didn't take much for her to get back into her own bed once we got our house, and now she's sleeping through the night and everyone is getting a good night's sleep.
My problem is that for her nap, she's only sleeping 45 mintues! If I take her out of her crib when she cries at this time and bring her to our bed, and lay with her, she cries for about 5 minutes and sometimes can sleep another hour to two hours. I don't want to do this anymore, I want her to sleep on her own.
Her routine is loosley like this:
7 wake up (sometimes a bottle)
9 breakfast
snack at 10:30-11
play, read, swim til 12-12:30
1:00 nap - she's so tired, today she fell asleep in her chair
then she's up 45 min later
3:30ish a snack
5ish dinner
7 bottle and then bed
She's actually a VERY good girl, inspite of her short naps, but seeing as she CAN sleep longer if I sleep with her, she must still be tired. I had her 'labeled' an angel baby, and I think it's pretty accurate still.
I can't find my BW books yet, so this is why I'm posting finally! HELP!!!