Author Topic: The roll over fight...  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline ElsMom

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The roll over fight...
« on: November 02, 2007, 18:03:58 pm »
First, here are the answers to the requested questions:
How old is your child?  4.5 months
What’s his/her daily routine?  started 3.5 - 4 hr EASY this week, wake around 6:45, first feed at 7 am, start bed routine at 6:45 pm
What’s nap routine? walk around house or yard for few minutes quietly, go to room, close shades, turn on lullaby music, read story, put in sleep sack, into crib
How long are naps? looks like first will settle to be 1.5 hours, second will be around 2, and still working to get a catnap
What's bedtime routine? Time? bath at 6:45, turn on lullaby music, read story, nurse (this is only time I nurse to sleep, but moving  her to her crib wakes her up and she settles on her own in about 5 minutes). usually asleep by 7:30.  For whatever reason, this seems to be the only time she can settle herself into sleep - with a full belly, at bedtime, with whole night ahead of us.
Do you bottle or breastfed?? exclusively breastfeed, won't take bottle
How much? or how long?  about 20 minutes
If breastfed.. one side or both?? (at each feed) both
How many wakes per night? lately 4-6 (has been as many as 10 in last 2 weeks)
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? wakes up crying, usually takes 30-45 minutes to get back down.  sometimes randomly up for 30 minutes perfectly happy (after initial crying gets me in the room) looking around crib.  then eventually cries and I start shush pat or PUPD if necessary. 
When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?  she's crying - I usually wait 5 minutes before going in.
What have you tried to settle??  shush pat, PUPD, hide on floor while she talks to self.  BF once a night around 1:00 am (prefer this to dream feed as DH and I go to bed relatively early)
What do you do for A time and how long is it?  run errands, play on blanket on floor, take a walk.  usually about 1 hour 15 minutes (total awake time including E is 1:45 to 2 hours).
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? not that I'm aware of.
Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months) no
Do they have a prop? If so what is it?  took away swing for naps on Monday when I started EASY.  has gone better than expected.
Do they have a lovie? slept with a blankie when took all naps in swing prior to this week. have been afraid to leave it in crib with her. never used it at  night.

My general issue is all the nightwakings with no reason - I'm fine to go to her and BF once a night to get her through the 11.5 - 12 hours from bedtime to wake up time.  And lately she's had dirty diapers at night, so obviously I'm fine with going to change her.  The extra times are driving me crazy, though.  She'll just wake up, and usually want to look around, hang out, tries really hard to smile at me although I refuse to make eye contact.  She'll wake up crying, I'll go to her and try to settle her, and then she usually just wants to be happily awake for a while.  I'll lie on her floor where she can't see me and wait for her to get sleepy, and usually around 30 minutes later, she'll fuss and I'll go to her and do shh/pat to settle, or PUPD if I need to.  The big thing we fight, though, is that she seems to wake herself up by rolling over.  She is definitely a spirited child, and has been rolling from belly to back since she was 6 weeks old.  We started putting her on her belly to sleep at 3 weeks, knowing the risks, but noticing it was the only way she would sleep.  I spent the week before that with her asleep on my chest in the recliner, and that seemed so much less safe.  So anyway, she'll wake herself up by rolling over onto her back, then her eyes will fly open, and she'll cry out.  If I try to flip her back over (although she can now roll from back to belly, I have to do this for her here or she'll just stay on her back and play with her feet, even though she's in a sleep sack) and then it becomes a fight.  She flips, I flip back, she flips, I flip back.  I tried letting her try to settle on her back without my intervention, but she won't sleep that way.  So now I just let her flip (trying to stop her mid flip really seems to make her angry!), pause for a second, and then flip her back over and say, "Time to go back to sleep."  This ritual takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour at each waking.  Does anyone have any pointers?  Also, if I'm patient (how patient??  ;)), should my implementation of EASY solve some of this waking?  Her wake times are pretty random, other than the 12:30 or 1 AM feed.  Thank you so much!
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Offline kris dg

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Re: The roll over fight...
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 00:47:50 am »
ElsMom, I just want to let you know that my DD's NW due to rolling over is also driving me crazy.  She's been doing this for the last 2 weeks.  I practice her during the day but somehow she still wants to do it at night.  I think it's involuntary.  I just have to wait until she grows out of it.  Arggh.

Offline ElsMom

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Re: The roll over fight...
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 18:17:13 pm »
Glad I'm not alone.  She's been doing it for so long, it's just her thing - I'm scared she's not going to get over it!  I've watched her while she's sleeping, though - she doesn't really wake up or open her eyes or anything, she just sticks her leg out, flips over, and THEN her eyes pop open.  So frustrating!
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Offline Bryony

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Re: The roll over fight...
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 20:27:22 pm »
Hi there

I posted a reply earlier and now it's disappeared!  Will try and remember what I said...

I had three thoughts:

1. you need to make sure your LO has LOADS of time to practice rolling each way during the day so that she hopefully doens't get such an urge to do it at night..

2 You mention that you are workig on the catnap - what happens if she doesn't take the catnap?  Do you put her down for bed a lot earlier? I was wondering if your daytime routine meant she was overtired, which will cause NWs

3. And yes definitely getting into a good routine should help!  For many LOs, night time sleep is hugely affected by daytime routine and getting a good daytime routine is key.

hope that gives you some thoughts to be going on with!


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Offline ElsMom

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Re: The roll over fight...
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2007, 01:32:16 am »
She's definitely overtired - no question!  Short naps are such an issue.  Today she took a 40 minute nap I couldn't extend, a 40 minute nap I was able to get another 20 minutes out of after about 30 minutes of shush/pat, and a 40 minute nap at catnap time, but since they're all catnaps at this point...  I know she's overtired, and by 6:00 most nights, she's ticked!  I haven't tried putting her down earlier, because she already wakes up at least an hour before I'd like.  I've got a thread going on the short nappers support board - I know if she napped longer and got better daytime rest, it would at least help.  I don't have a solution yet, though!  I was wondering if I should go back to a 40 minute nap every hour and 15 minutes like she did when she was 2 months old, but that seems like regressing, and would get really confusing since I'd be feeding every 3.5 to 4 hours amongst all that sleeping.
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Offline Prissy122

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Re: The roll over fight...
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2007, 12:33:20 pm »
 I thought this was my post!!! ;) My DD sounds exactly like yours at night.......
 Sorry, no advice but it's nice to know I'm not the only one going crazy.
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