Well for the last week or so, we have been really struggling with my 2 year old Zach to get him to bed. He has always been a great sleeper and napper with no problems.
Lately he has gotten into watching his movie before bed and throws a big tantrum when it is over. Also I have not really followed our normal bedtime routine since we have a new baby also.
About 3 nights ago, he threw such a tantrum he got sick and threw up all over me. Uhhhh...
So I was really trying to come up with a way to get him to sleep more easily. I though about putting a TV in his room and letting him watch it until he fell asleep and then I really did not think that was a good idea AT ALL.
So here is what I came up with and wanted to share because it may work for someone else!
I took pictures of the following:
His Pajama's
The Movie Room (where he watched his movie)
Brush Teeth
His Bed with a story on it
I printed each of them out and put them on a poaster board and wrote above each thing.
Bath Time (20 minutes), Jammie Time, Dog Movie Time (30 minutes), Brush Teeth, Stamp, Bed and Story Time, Stamp and lights out!
I also got a timer and set it for 20 mintues for the bath. I kept giving warning 10 more minutes, etc. When it beeped I asked him "Do you want to turn it off". At first he did throw a fit, but then I told him what was coming next.
So after jammies, he knew excatly what was next, his movie. I set the timer for 30 minutes. It went off and we said good night to the movie, and I told him lets go brush our teeth and get our stamp.
He was SO EXCITED. He loves stamps.
Well It worked great. I hope it keeps up, which I think it will. He is the type of child that has to know what is coming next and needs routine. We had just gotten away from that.
So thought I would share and maybe this could work for someone else or you can always create a chart for any part of the day you are having problems with, Nap, etc.