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Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« on: October 31, 2007, 00:53:52 am »
Well for the last week or so, we have been really struggling with my 2 year old Zach to get him to bed.  He has always been a great sleeper and napper with no problems.

Lately he has gotten into watching his movie before bed and throws a big tantrum when it is over.  Also I have not really followed our normal bedtime routine since we have a new baby also. 

About 3 nights ago, he threw such a tantrum he got sick and threw up all over me. Uhhhh...

So I was really trying to come up with a way to get him to sleep more easily.  I though about putting a TV in his room and letting him watch it until he fell asleep and then I really did not think that was a good idea AT ALL.

So here is what I came up with and wanted to share because it may work for someone else!


I took pictures of the following:
His Pajama's
The Movie Room (where he watched his movie)
Brush Teeth
His Bed with a story on it

I printed each of them out and put them on a poaster board and wrote above each thing. 

Bath Time (20 minutes), Jammie Time, Dog Movie Time (30 minutes), Brush Teeth, Stamp, Bed and Story Time, Stamp and lights out!

I also got a timer and set it for 20 mintues for the bath.  I kept giving warning 10  more minutes, etc.  When it beeped I asked him "Do you want to turn it off".  At first he did throw a fit, but then I told him what was coming next.

So after jammies, he knew excatly what was next, his movie.  I set the timer for 30 minutes.  It went off and we said good night to the movie, and I told him lets go brush our teeth and get our stamp. 

He was SO EXCITED.  He loves stamps.

Well It worked great.  I hope it keeps up, which I think it will.  He is the type of child that has to know what is coming next and needs routine.  We had just gotten away from that.

So thought I would share and maybe this could work for someone else or you can always create a chart for any part of the day you are having problems with, Nap, etc. 

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!


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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2007, 01:34:04 am »
Wow! Great idea!  I will surely use this when my lo gets older!!!

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2007, 01:37:23 am »
Nice Wendy!!
Good thinking!!!
It might work for us if I tweak it for naps!!
Ex...Lunch, quiet time, stories, nap...
<img src="" alt="Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />


Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2007, 06:21:02 am »
Glad to hear it works. Am just going looking for a chart for dd as she has been stalling for the last week. Might post looking for a link if I dont find a nice one.

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2007, 07:26:11 am »
That's brilliant, you clever mummy you!!  :-*

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2007, 19:01:57 pm »
Hi, my ds was waking early in night for...always, I got one of those rabbit night lights where the rabbit is asleep and wakes at the time you set.
Well, it worked from the first night i used it..coincidence??? Could be but he has been sleeping til 6.30-7 for about 3 months now.
I did start REALLY early bedtimes, so could just have been coincidence but i think they do like an idea of what will happen, especially if they have routine in the day.

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2007, 23:05:49 pm »
Wendy, that's GREAT!!  ;D  8)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2007, 03:04:26 am »
Well tonight our 2nd night, he threw a tantrum when the timer went off for his movie and I turned it off.  I mean he threw a HUGE fit.

I remained calm and showed him what was next on our chart.  After calming him down, I told him that he had to go to sleep so that we good play all day tom.  And we talked about what we were going to do tom. 

So.. I know we will have our nights and he was super tired tonight from trick-or-treating.  I am going to stick with it and if he throws a fit, he does, but he will learn. 

Once he calmed down though, he got his stamp and went right to bed!
Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2007, 04:57:39 am »
Day 3 of using the chart and timer. 

He got a little bit upset when his movie had to go off, BUT the tantrum only lasted a minute. 

This is working great.
Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2007, 19:21:29 pm »
Good for you Wendy!  :-*
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Bedtime Chart and Timer! It works
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2007, 01:52:37 am »
Happy to report by Day 4 of using the chart and the timer, he has not thrown a single fit.  He knows exactly what is coming.  I am so proud of him. 

Just goes to show that routine really does work because some nights I give him 30 minutes on his movie and some nights 45 minutes.  I do everything in ORDER though and he knows when the timer goes off what comes next.

I have been setting the time to make sure he is in the bed by 8:30/8:45.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!