Hi all,
My son is 4 and a half months old. I read the bw books months before he was born and was familiar with all the ideas. I tried starting EASY when he was about 6 weeks old but so much happened we kind of drifted along with SOME results but really tried to get onto EASY properly. The only thing we could stick to properly was a fairly structured feeding routine (i.e 3, 3.5 and now 4 hour intervals). I did what I could to get a good routine happeneing but was not really strict enough. If naps didn't work I often just went with it BUT AT THE TIME THERE WAS NOTHING IN MY POWER (OR SO i THOUGHT) TO CONTROL WHAT WAS HAPPENING.
Now a few months down the track.....I can see how things could get really complicated if I don't try harder to get a routine going. Things have imroved but are still far from ok. I did Sh/pat and swaddled. It worked at the time but by 3 and a half months he was too developed for sh/pat and we gave up the swaddle too. I started doing sh/pat at 4 months abd have had some sucess with it but have not been strict enough about extending naps.
I find it very hard to read his tired signs and wonder whether I am putting him down too early or not. I try to go by the clock. The result of me winging it is now 45 minute naps and napping different times of the day. Night wakings have started becoming more frequent too.
I have done a lot of good work e.g he sleeps in his own bed, only prop is dummy, can get himself off to sleep after a few PU/PD , but I know I need to take the next step nnow and be more stringent about it.
I need to start doing PU/PD for naps and in the night to get rid of the night feed. He doesn't need it anymore. It has become habit and comfort.
I guess I am really scared. I know I shouldn't say it but I am just scared it somehow won't work although I have so much belief in Tracys experience and her books motivate me that it CAN WORK...I just can't get that pesimism of 'what if it doesn't work and things get worse?' rubbish out of my head. Looking back...i did really try to make it work but I obviously didn't do it 100 per cent right because here we are months down the track.
Did all of you have sucess in a week or two?
Can anyone tell me: when Tracy says to go to bed on the second night 'when your baby does' in preparation for the 3rd day (BWSAYP - inmplementing EASY chapter) Doe she mean NOT to give a dream feed?
I have been giving one and we have has some sucess but other times it doesn't seem to work. (And I don't mean due to growth spurts)
All our problems probably come from lack of routine.
I just have to be strict and see this through once and for all and have faith that it will work for us soon and not go on and on trying for months on end and seemingly doingh everythíng right and still no closer to a routine ! That is ultimately ehat I am scared of....giving it a second try starting out and nothing changing or worsening. I guess it all comes down to how strongly I believe that what I am doing is right and I am in control.
Will definatly be posting again to ask for help.
Thanks for reading