I am new to this SLEEP board. I have posted in PROPS in the past month and received excellent advice.
I have a 4m old ds who used to sleep through the night (6-7 hours) 'til about 2 months. Then he started taking the soother and for about 2 weeks I was getting up every 2 hours to stick it back in. When I posted, it ended up that ds was just overtired. I combined extra sleep in the evening with EASY and I solved the soother problem. Now I have another problem... he now gets up every 2-3 hours in the night. I offer him milk and of course he takes it every time, but not always for a complete feed. How do I know if he is hungry or simply getting up as a force of habit? How do I know if I should I be using PU/PD?
Here is his daily routine (although the time change has affected it slightly, give or take 1 hour):
Wakes Up: 7 AM
Feeding: 7 AM
Nap: 8:30 - 9:00
Feeding: 9:30 AM
Nap: 10 AM - 12 PM
Feeding: appx 12 PM
Nap: 1:30PM - 3PM
Feeding: 3PM
Nap: 4PM-5:00 PM appx
Feeding: 6 PM
Then I try to get him down at 7 or 8 with a DF at 9PM or 10PM.
He will then get up at about 1 AM, 4 AM and 7 AM.
Other things to consider:
- Breastfeed (usually one side, he will take the other side sometimes 1/2 after the feed unless he falls asleep)
- When he wakes at night he will eat and then fall right back to sleep
- DS can fall asleep on his own by either sucking his thumb or if that doesn't work I give him the soother (rarely fusses in the middle of the night, he's too tired)
- Has ezcema on face, arms, stomach
- Have not introduced cereal yet
- He uses a blankie to nap and sleep, likes to smother his face with it.
- Still use soother to help calm down, then I take it out when he is about to fall asleep. But as I mentioned, I do give it to him in the middle of the night to get him down if he can't settle on his own.
Thank you Thank You!!!!!