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Changing wake time
« on: December 02, 2007, 14:21:15 pm »
Is there any way to get a LO to change to a later wake time?  The good news is that Brodie (20 weeks) has started sleeping around 10-11 hours at night.  But he wakes for the day at 6am and that's a tad too early for me.   ;)  Now mind you, I'm not complaining, but I would LOVE to get to 7am when my older (almost 3yo) son wakes as well.  Also, I would love for the first nap to be around 9am and when he wakes at 6am, there's no way of it! 

Here's our routine:

6-6:30am wake, 9oz bottle
8:30am nap (1.5-2hrs, sometimes have to extend by pat/shh)
11am eat 9oz
1pm nap (1.5-2hrs, sometimes have to extend by pat/shh)
3pm eat 9oz
4:45pm catnap (45-1hr, I wake if more than an hour)
6:00pm cereal (just trying it out for now)
7:00pm bottle and bed

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Re: Changing wake time
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2007, 04:21:12 am »
I would imagine you could do it similarly as the time change that we just had.  There are different strategies, but I just put my LO down 10 minutes later every night, and just shifted her routine by 10 minutes.  It took about 8 or 9 days, but she finally shfited that hour.  So, put him to bed one night at 7:10, see the effect, etc.

BTW, there are multiple strategies for this.  Our Angel/Spirited LO took a little longer than it seems other stories I'd heard.
