Hi, thanks for getting back to me! I was thinking that he might be having too much solid food, but I wasn't sure. HIs morning solid food is rice cereal mixed with formula, in the afternoon he gets one serving of fruit and in the evening he gets ine serving of veggies.
His morning nap is very consistent, usually 1.5 to 2 hours long. His afternoon nap varies, usually anywhere for 1 to 2 hours.
I don't think he is hungry at night, I think I'm just a prop. Last night I didn't feed him at all between 10:30 and 6am. He woke up at 3am and I used PU/PD but he screamed for an hour and a half before falling back to sleep. I nursed him and 6am and he woke up for the day at 7:15.
He is really good at falling asleep on his own. Both for naps and night, we swaddle him and lay him on our bed. He usually falls asleep right away. Sometimes he'll cry, and I'll go in and give him a pacifier and then he falls asleep. I never have to rock him or nurse him to sleep... well, except in the middle of the night.
When he wakes at night, sometimes he's just babbling, and I don't go in. The only time I go in if he hes full blown screaming. What's grizzling?
Okay, I hope that helps and we can come up with some sort of plan, becuase mine just isn't working! Thanks!