Author Topic: 9 mnth old LG with many issues that may be related ANY THOUGHTS?  (Read 724 times)

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Offline Jo-Ann

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Hi there,

We are having a bit of a trying time of it. My little girl can not seem to pass the 2 or 3 hr mark for sleep unless she is very ill with a fever and even then it rarely makes it past the 3 hr mark. 2 hrs is the norm for night and 1.5 or 2 if we are doing well for naps. I do PuPD or actually PD to get her back to sleep but it never seems to get any better. I have been trying to correct some accidental parenting so she no longer sleeps with me which we only did for about 4 weeks on and off due to sheer exhaustion but she really doesn't sleep much better in my bed and that is even harder on me.

She still eats ferociously (bf) at 11:00pm ish and 3:00am ish which means that I have taught her to be hungry during the night I guess. So now in the new year we are going to spend the next 2 weeks trying to at least drop the 11:00pm feed and be much more routine oriented to try to work on the night wakings. I think that there may be a few contributing factors such as she eats perhaps too much at night so she is not interested in solids during the day and will not even open her mouth for a taste, (Though after reading a post on the eating board I am trying to introduce finger foods and after one day it does seem a bit better) so I am wondering if she is not getting enough food to sustain her through the night as lately for about a month now she has been refusing so much that I would say she was once again exclusively breast fed.

I am posting this on the eating solids board and the breast feeding board as my game plan starting tonight is to cut out cold turkey the 11:00pm bf and then see how that goes and try to shorten the 3:00 am one after a week or so. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated as I do not want to make things worse (I am always surprised when things get worse when I don't think they possibly can)

Well I must go to get her dinner ready and then bath and bed.
Dinner was avocado chunks carrot chunks but really well cooked and some basmati rice (I thought she loved to suck on the needles from the Christmas tree perhaps the rice would be similar enough to interest her. but no luck not more than one bite of avocado and one bite of carrot which she spit out) I do think she was a bit over tired though.

PS in the lunch solids feed I gave her multi grain cheerios for the first time as it is such an ideal finger food but she may have had a reaction to one of the grains. I had not introduced them separately in another form prior. It is quite hard to tell with her though as she has eczema and it acts up for all kinds of reasons.

Next day update: Her skin is its usual eczema ish self today so I think she may have reacted to the grains in the cheerios. Too bad as it was the first thing she showed an interest in eating in ages. I may try the grains separately again in a few weeks but I think she liked the presentation of a crunchy thing that dissolves easily and she does not choke on.

Take care & happy new year
Jo-Ann & little 9 mnth old girl

Thanks in advance for any assistance