I know how you feel! Freddie will be two in a month, he has no set sleep routine in the day anymore, he just doesn't seem tired somedays so if he naps late I only let hom have twenty mins and some days he does not nap at all but is then overtired so sleeps badly at night.
He goes to sleep in his big boy bed with me sitting at the bottom, have tried leaving the room but he sits up saying 'mummy here!' and won't lie back down until he gives me a kiss (bless him!
Every night he quietly gets out of bed and goes to his daddies side of the bed who pulls him in next to me and his daddy then goes to sleep in the toddler bed, he has only slept through the night about seven times in his life! He sleeps fine once he is snuggled next to me.
Too tired in the night to take him back to his own bed.
Guess we will have to start as before we know it he will be ten!!! How do we go about it?