Hi all,
Any advice on how to get my overtired toddler back into a good routine, appropriate for his age? LO is nearly 20mo. Typical day:
5.15am Wake and milk (9oz) in cot
"Plays" in cot till 7am (gets v.grumpy though)
9am Breakfast
11.30am Lunch
12pm nap (goes down v.easily is exhausted)
1.30pm wake
2pm milk (0-6oz)
4pm Dinner
5.45pm snack
6pm bath, milk(6oz)
Asleep by 6.45pm
Wakes anywhere between 2-4am. Milk (7oz)
I know we have got into a bad habit of giving him milk in the night... but he seems genunely hungry and will gulp it in 2 mins flat. He is starving again by 5.15am! he seems to eat well in the day though.
He is very overtired and very prone to angry tantrums. He just seems tired all the time (rubbing eyes, whingy).
Any advice appreciated,
Gouri xxx