Author Topic: 14 mo DD picky eater  (Read 1019 times)

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Offline stheo

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14 mo DD picky eater
« on: December 30, 2007, 13:26:32 pm »
I was just wondering what everyone feeds their toddlers.. Ainslee is 14 mon and is somewhat of a picky eater.. everything that she used to love ( strawberries, cottage cheese) she wont eat anymore, and the new things I try to feed her she wont eat.. i seem like I am feeding her the same thing everyday and I wanted some new ideas to give her.. any suggestions?

Offline Shdef

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Re: 14 mo DD picky eater
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2007, 13:28:05 pm »
What IS she actually eating? At that age they sometimes pick like 6-8 things and will stick to them, but if those include everything she needs it's okay

Offline stheo

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Re: 14 mo DD picky eater
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 21:16:29 pm »
she will eat potatoes, some yogurt, bread, cheese, cereal bars, cherioes, little bit of  strawberries or bananas ( not as much as she used to) every once in a while a fish stick, or chicken nugget. but thats really about all.. I feel like she isn't eating anything that she needs to be

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Re: 14 mo DD picky eater
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 21:24:16 pm »
We've just hit the picky stage as well and its been a bit of a shock because Abe has been eating EVERYTHING and now its hard to get him to eat at all.  And Savannah didn't get to this point until she was almost 2 so I wasn't expecting it.  But we're pretty much into breads/pasta(usually)/bananas, but a like you said--a lot less of it, quesadillas and avocados.  Protein has gotten hard--sometimes beans work, either in little mini burritos or whole beans, but not really often.  And all the meat, chicken, fish he used to eat is thrown off the table instantly.  And he won't drink milk either, but he usually eats cheese and yogurt.

Sounds like she's getting dairy, and some fruit--if you can sneak veges in somehow (is a smoothie or pasta sauce or something), then that would be good.  But she really is hitting the food groups.

I also try to keep offering just a tiny bit of something new (or something they used to like) just to keep them in the habit of seeing it and you never know when they will decide to eat it.  Savannah still surprises me some days and picks up a food that she hasn't touched in months and eats a good sized serving.  Doesn't happen often and I get kind of annoyed by how much they won't eat, but supposedly they do come around in the long run.


Savannah,  6/04
Abraham,   11/06
Henry, 5/8/11

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Re: 14 mo DD picky eater
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2008, 19:36:56 pm »
I think she is doing okay if you do what Kim says, it really works  :-*