Author Topic: Where should we be with e.a.s.y.? Please help  (Read 854 times)

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Offline tan-and-izzy

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Where should we be with e.a.s.y.? Please help
« on: January 09, 2008, 15:56:40 pm »
I have just started lo on e.a.s.y but am not sure if I am doing it right so if anybody has any advice please me know. She in 4 months old and feeding every 3 hours somtimes abit less but mainly because she wakes up to early. We haven't really got a routine yet but this is what has happened since last night. I am breastfeeding and got into the habit of feeding her to sleep during her 4 month growth spurt.

6pm feed
6.10pm bed, sleepy but not asleep ( I know that is wrong but I had been battling with naps all day and was exhausted)
9pm dream feed
11.30pm woke for feed.
1.30am woke didn't feed sh/pat 45mins.
4.30am feed
6.40 woke, changed and mobile.
7.00am feed (early but trying to get into routine)
7.10-8.30 activity
8.50-9.30 sleep
9.30-10 play
10 feed
10.10-11.30 activities (pretty low key trying not to overstimulate)
11.50-12.20 sleep
12.20-13.00 play
13.00 feed
13.10-14.00 play
14.00-15.40 walk -sleep 1st 1/2 hour then awake
Now awake just about to feed.

She used to sleep really well in the night and nap over 3 hours a day sometimes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon until growth spurt recently. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong. Why doesn't she sleep?

(please help this is our first time here)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 18:37:54 pm by tan-and-izzy »

Offline momofclaire

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Re: Where should we be with e.a.s.y.? Please help
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 03:49:38 am »
Hi and welcome to the BW boards!

It seems that you are still feeding every 3 hours during the day.  Is she taking a good feed at that time?  Do you think she could go longer between feeds?  At her age she should be working towards a 4 hour routine, meaning that she would eat every 4 hours.  Not all babies are ready for this right at 4 months, however. 
Have you tried to extend her naps?  It seems she always sleeps about 50 minutes.
She might be able to handle 2 hours of awake time between naps and if she can she might be able to do a four hour routine, however I notice that at one point in your day she had more than two hours.  That is a long A time for a baby her age.  Overtiredness can cause short naps and night wakings. It is important to keep her rested during the day.
A good 4 hour routine might look like this.
7:00 wake and eat
9:00 nap (2 hours)
11:00 wake and eat
1:00 nap (2 hours)
3:00 wake and eat
5:00 nap (45 min)
5:45 eat
7:00 eat and bedtime routine asleep by 7:30

You might find that she isn't ready for that A time or that she can't quite go that long between feeds. If so you can work towards a 3.5 hour routine. 

I just noticed that I have assumed that she is about 4 months... :-[  How old is she?
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline tan-and-izzy

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Re: Where should we be with e.a.s.y.? Please help
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 06:43:53 am »
Hi Myia,
Thank you for replying. I had chance to look at some other peoples routines last night and was beginning to think along the same lines. She is 4 months. Should I move her to a 3.5 hour routine 1st?

I was also thinking maybe she isn't doing enough in her activity times as I have been trying not to overstimulate her, she still only seems to sleep a short time after 2 hours activity at the moment. When I try to put her down before 2 hours in the morning, even when she looks tired, she won't go and then is up again looking ok. She does seem comfortable with a 3 hour feed and never really shows signs of hunger.
Thankfully she slept much better again last night and did an 8 hour stretch so I am feeling as though we may be making progress.


Offline momofclaire

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Re: Where should we be with e.a.s.y.? Please help
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 18:53:27 pm »
If she seems to handle 2 hours of A time well then I would try to put her on a four hour easy.  Could she go 4 hours between a feed?  You don't have to go with 3.5 hours unless you think she can't handle the whole 4 yet.  I wouldn't give her more than 2 hours of A time and remember that those two hours count all awake time including eating and windown.

I am glad she slept well for you last night!  Sleep is so good isn't it?
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline tan-and-izzy

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Re: Where should we be with e.a.s.y.? Please help
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 07:48:35 am »
I think you are right, the more I watch her the more I think she is still overtired which is probably why she just passes out after being up longer. I have started her on the 3.5 because she is still adjusting to the longer feeding times ( up until this week she was overeating every couple of hours) I will also try to cut back her activity time. I can always move her on to a 4 hour if it isn't working.

Thank you lots,

The more I use this web site the more help I am finding, I already feel as though my life is getting easier and I only started E.A.S.Y on Monday!

Tan and izzy.