Hi Miya!
Thanks so much for responding...I'm totally desperate!
Yeah, sometimes he is settled immediately with the paci...I will check the props board.
But, sometimes when I sneak it back into his mouth, he spits it right back out.
He is totally swaddled, in a Miracle Blanket, so there's no coming out of it!
Maybe I can start upping his oz's...maybe to 7 per feed? I have been putting a little more than 6 in his bottles and he does take it all....
Last doc's appt he weighed 12 lbs....that was almost a month ago...I felt that 6oz 6x per day, + a DF of 4+ oz was a lot of food in a day!!! But, he just might need more?
Here is our routine:
E 5:00 am - feed 6oz
A none
S back asleep by 5:30am
E 7:30am 6oz
A crib/mobile, change diaper - he is yawning by 8:20-ish.
S asleep by 8:30-8:45am
(has been waking at the 45 min period ever since XMas, but that's another posting!)
E 10:30am 6oz
A sit in front of fireplace, read a book - yawning by 11:20-ish
S asleep by 11:30-11:45am
E 1:30pm 6oz
A tummy time, chill out - yawning by 2:20pm
S asleep by 2:30-2:45
E 4:30pm 6oz
A hang w/mom and dad - yawning by same as above
S asleep by 5:30-5:45pm (this is not a catnap...I've tried waking him and doing a bath before last feed, but it was really upsetting for DS, didn't like it...)
E 7:30pm 6oz
A bath, get ready for bed
S asleep by8:30-8:45, sometimes 9pm.
He has been waking thru naps too.... If I'm there to catch it i.e. put hands on legs and hand over eyes, he sometimes doesnt come out of it....if I miss it, he's awake (happily I might add) and is a nightmare to get back to sleep!
Thank you again!!!