MY DD is 21 months old. She has almost always slept at home in her crib. She has been a fabulous sleeper, goes to bed on her own, sleeps well, etc. She does not go to daycare - my MIL watches her at our house.
However, on Christmas we tried to get her to sleep in a play pen at Grandma's house. She would have none of it. I sang to her, held her, etc. After all that, I rocked her to sleep and she woke up when I was trying to put her down.

We finally ended up just leaving after 2 hours of trying to get her to go down.
So, my question is - is this an age thing where she's just really comfortable in her routine? (I've read on another website that this could be the case for this age.) Or is this something she should be able to do?
I feel a bit screwed because everything we read said its best for her to sleep in her crib for naps and bedtime .. and now she can't do it anywhere else.
Should we bite the bullet and get MIL to try and put her down for naps at her house once in awhile .. or is this a passing phase (and so, we're probably better just waiting it out and trying again later)?