Jessica-thanks so much for your support!
I feel so much better today than I felt this AM and last night!! I talked to my daycare and told them I don't think Sam is appropriate for 2 naps, that we had transitioned him to one a few mos ago because he stopped taking the second nap of the day. They were very supportive of how I felt and are looking for a solution; I think it may involve him hanging out in the older room during nap time since he is on there schedule.
Tonight, I was able to get him fed, bathed, and dressed for bed before he was over tired, so I was already feeling like a huge success compared to yesterday. And then since I was reading on this web site a lot today, I realized that are wind down routine was not giving him enough time to wind down. Since he has been more active; he has been really squirmy when we are sitting in the rocker reading night time books. I had been using that as the cue that he was ready for bed (because that cue worked when he was younger). But now I realize that that is a cue that he is NOT ready for bed. SO, I really tried to keep him on my lap for more books. Then I put him in his crib--he did cry. SO, I didn't even try to leave. I just sat int here and talked for a bit (he was standing in his crib). And then (3-5 mi later) I just laid him down and he didn't resist or cry. I turned off the light, walked out and that was that! It was beautiful. I don't know if it was just lock tonight, or I'm onto something.
Here is a question I have for others..........are you able to keep your toddler in 1 place (on your lap or wherever) or do they end up roaming the room during bedtime ritual/wind down. I would love to cuddle with Sam throughout the ritual, but he does not enjoy being still for too long. I'd love to hear other people's experiences/suggestions.
By the way Jessica, what does JMHO stand for? I'm not up on the baby whisperer abbreviations