hi everyone, my lo is 15 months, and i think were getting close to the 2-1 transition but dont know how to go about it.
average day looks like this:
6.30am awake
9.30am nap (can vary from 45 mins to 90 mins) normally about one hour
3.15pm nap (can vary also from 45 min to 90 mins)
7pm bed
BUT for the 1st time, when i tried to put him down for his 1st nap, he just played around, i left him for 15 mins, and it was clear he wasnt tired, so i picked him up and let him play
I eventually put him in his cot at 12.15pm, within 5 mins he was alseep, but he woke up after 45 mins, crying and still tired, i put his music back on settled him back down and left him, after half an hour he still wasnt asleep, so i gave up and just picked him up
Its now 2.15pm, and he seems ok, but i know by about half four he will get tired, but its too late for a nap then, or he will sleep for ages and end up with a late bedtime
any ideas and advice
he goes childcare 4 days a week all day
tracy xxxx