My DS is almost 15 months old. He was always a great sleeper and has been sleeping indapendently in his own cot since he was 16 weeks old. Lately things have gone crazy, I'm so at a loss what to do........
He has started waking at night over the past few weeks, just mooching about but alway settled himself back, he is teething on and off and on bad days I give him some pain relief at night if he's finding it hard to resettle.
The past 3 nights he has woken at different times crying really hard, up until now he NEVER cried at night(I mean never, ever - he was great!!). I have gone in to observe him, he is crying and rocking on his knees at the same time (his own self- soothing method). I have tried giving him some meds thinking it might be his teeth - but its making no difference.
He is not crying to be taken out of cot or rocked to sleep (thankfully never had to do this) as he could care less if I'm in the room or not. So its obviously not SA either.
The crying went on for almost 40 mins last night, I went in twice and 'susshed' him, but I think I just distracted him and made things worse.
Has anybody ever gone through this before? Any suggestions on what I might do??? Thanks so much.