My 18 month old has been having early wakings for quite a while (perhaps more than 5 months). She would wake around 5:30 and then move towards 7 and then back again. It would fluctuate. But in the last few weeks she is consistently waking around 5 and pushing towards 4:30. I can go in and shush her. She lasts another ten minutes. I don't feel I can pursue a noisy attempt back to sleep since her 3 1/2 sister sleeps in the same room. Her schedule:
Wake: 4:30-5
Snuggle on couch with me until 7. Usually she plays during this time, but the last couple days she's actually napped on me until 7. The 7am waking prohibits a 12:30 nap.
Breakfast: 7
Lunch 11:15
Nap: 12:15/12:30 (but none when she wakes at 7) for about 1 1/2 hours
Snack: 3
Supper: 5:30
Bedtime: 7:15/7:30 (asleep immediately)
So how do I fix this early waking? Do I push the nap later and thus the bedtime? How do I make the bedtime later when her older sister needs to be in bed by 7:30 (sleeps until 7:30 when I wake her)? Recently she has been having 1-2 night wakings (around 10-11) except for the last two nights, which followed two napless days.
Did I mention I'm tired?