YAwn! Sorry I didn't even realize there was a toddler sleep topic, I have my 9 week old with his own sleep issues at night and Iam exhausted from both the day naps and night sleep noth going well for either of my kids...I feel like all hell has broken loose in my household!
OK to answer your questions, yes I leave my Lo in her crib until she falls back asleep, which is up to 30 mins. of crying/fussing off and on. If she doesn't fall back asleep, she just starts talking to herself, so I leave her in there for a little while longer, depending on what her baby brother is doing, or if I just need 15 more mins of "me time". She doesn't have problems going to sleep at night, and hasn't woken during the night on a regular basis, just once in a while (which I figured was from being overtired from some of those bad nap days). Sometimes at night she will talk to herself until almost 8PM, she really has begun to talk and pick up a lot of words on a daily basis, so I thought that maybe that was keeping her up or awake at the wrong times (like other milestones)...but then yesterday afternoon, when she went "ahhh" with her mouth, I saw that her 2nd year molars are coming in! So maybe it it's that? But why not the night wakings? WHen her other molars came in, I noticed night wakings, but don't remember them disrupting her naps...should I try a little Tylenol at nap time?
Thanks for your in put. I hope this works out sometime soon, I need a break during the day!