Author Topic: 2 Year Old Short Naps Again!???  (Read 1027 times)

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Offline koakitty

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2 Year Old Short Naps Again!???
« on: January 22, 2008, 23:40:58 pm »
Hi I don't have much time to post this, but I was wondering if anyone else is going through DD is 25 months old and suddenly she is waking up crying hysterically from her naps about 30-45 mins into them...she went through this from birth to 9mos then the short naps went away(yippee) But now they're  back!.  Every once in a while we'd have short naps, but she'd cry for a few minutes and resettle....but not lately.  Since my last month of pregnancy she started waking 45 min again, but not resettling for awhile...and sometimes not at all.  She can cry off and on for a half hour. I don't go in as I know she will never go back down after that, so I leave her in there until she is quiet for a while and I know she's fallen back asleep.  I have tried putting her down up to a half hour earlier to see if this helps, it doesn't! Ughhh Her afternoon nap has been at 1pm for almosty a year now, I don't understand what is going it the baby? I know having a new baby in the household is disruptive, but this started before my son was born. He is 2 months now, so this has been going on for 3months, almost consistantly!!  Any input would be helpful or if anyone else has experienced this, does it ever go back to long naps (2hours is what she used to have).
Her bedtime is 7PM and wake time is 7-8AM, she doesn't seem overtired for her naps, and sleeps with her lovey.
Thanks for any feedback!

Mom to Bella Victoria
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Offline Layla

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Re: 2 Year Old Short Naps Again!???
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 00:19:33 am »
Sarah, just wanted to confirm.. she wakes up crying from nap & you leave her there crying until she's back asleep? If she's not back asleep when do you pick her up???

Her bedtime is 7pm & does she fall asleep straight away? If she's sleeing 12hrs at night then she might not be able to do any more than she is for her nap... the av at this age is only about 13hrs. Does she wake at night crying?

Also is there possibility of her teething molars at all?

Post back & we'll help you out :-*

20/06/2012 - my angel baby

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Re: 2 Year Old Short Naps Again!???
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 09:38:09 am »
Sarah, I'm just going to pop this over to the toddler sleep forum so you will have more age specific help (Isabella&Jasmine's mum will still help  ;) )


Offline koakitty

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Re: 2 Year Old Short Naps Again!???
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 15:56:56 pm »
YAwn!  Sorry I didn't even realize there was a toddler sleep topic, I have my 9 week old with his own sleep issues at night and Iam exhausted from both the day naps and night sleep noth going well for either of my kids...I feel like all hell has broken loose in my household!

OK to answer your questions, yes I leave my Lo in her crib until she falls back asleep, which is up to 30 mins. of crying/fussing off and on. If she doesn't fall back asleep, she just starts talking to herself, so I leave her in there for a little while longer, depending on what her baby brother is doing, or if I just need 15 more mins of "me time".  She doesn't have problems going to sleep at night, and hasn't woken during the night on a regular basis, just once in a while (which I figured was from being overtired from some of those bad nap days). Sometimes at night she will talk to herself until almost 8PM, she really has begun to talk and pick up a lot of words on a daily basis, so I thought that maybe that was keeping her up or awake at the wrong times (like other milestones)...but then yesterday afternoon, when she went "ahhh" with her mouth, I saw that her 2nd year molars are coming in! So maybe it it's that? But why not the night wakings? WHen her other molars came in, I noticed night wakings, but don't remember them disrupting her naps...should I try a little Tylenol at nap time?

Thanks for your in put. I hope this works out sometime soon, I need a break during the day!
Mom to Bella Victoria
Angel/Textbook Baby

Offline Layla

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Re: 2 Year Old Short Naps Again!???
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 19:48:23 pm »
Teething have always caused shorter naps for us as well as early wake ups. Not necessarily night wakings but early morning wake ups for sure!

I would try some teething pain & if she's crying at 45mins & rather than letting her cry until she's back asleep you could try wi/wo (go in & tell her its still nap time & leave. If she's crying when you leave count to 5 or 10 or 15 & if she's still crying by the time you finished counting, go back & repeat the same message & leave. If she's crying again start counting & go back if she's crying by the time you fininshed counting, etc...).

It depends HOW she is crying. If she's fussing or just making noises then leave her but if she's genuily crying, you really need to go to her & try to settle her back to sleep.


20/06/2012 - my angel baby