Wow things are really all over the place. Where did our great routine go!
Here's whats been happening:
2 days in a row she did:
A 7am to 11.30am
S 11.30am to 2pm
S 6.30pm
Awake for a couple of hours in the night
On the third day it was soooooooooooo hard to keep her up and she did:
A 7am to 11.20am
S 11.20am to 1.20pm
A 1.20 to 4pm...couldn't keep her up
S 4pm to 6pm
A 6pm to 9pm
S 9pm to night waking!
Day 4
A 8.50am to 12.30
S 12.30 to 4pm (!!!!!!)
A 4pm to 7.30pm
Awake for an hour in the night
A 7am to 11am...was very grumpy all morning
S 11am to 12noon
Will now need an afternoon nap at about 3
Is the 2 to 1 transition usually this messy?? We can't even make any plans to meet friends as she is so all over the place. She really does seem to need to go to bed at about 10 am and again at 2.30pm. Should I go back to the 2 naps? I just feel like things are gettig messier and she is getting grumpier by trying to do 1 sleep.