DS is 26 months old and can climb out of his crib (without hurting himself). After he learned to climb out, we tried converting to a toddler bed, it didn't go great, so we're back in the crib.
One problem with the toddler bed is that upon waking, he would jump out, turn off his sound machine, bang on the door a few times (he can't open it--for now), and then be running around the room when I came to get him.
He hadn't climbed out of the crib in the morning, until this morning, when he did the same as he had done with the toddler bed.
So, my question is should I teach him to stay in his bed upon waking? And, if so, how do I do it?
Prior to all the climbing/nap skipping wonkiness we're currently experiencing, he normally slept until sometime after 8:00; generally I had to wake him up between 8:00-8:30. On these mornings he's waking right around 8:00 (7:45 at the earliest).
If he were waking an hour + early, I'd do wi/wo and keep putting him back in bed, but since it is pretty much his wake up time already, I don't see how to do that.
I know I've read ideas for lights on timers, etc, but was just curious if anyone has successfully used something in a similar situation?
Or is it perhaps just best to let him get out of bed?