I'm sure my questions have been covered somewhere in this forum, but I can't seem to find the answers. I would love any help you all can provide:
My lo is 5 months and 20+ pounds. (At 4 months, he was 18 pounds and 27 or so inches) He's a big boy - his father's family is quite tall. I finally got my pediatrician to approve starting solids at 5 months, and we've been feeding rice cereal for two weeks now (breakfast and lunch for the last week, 2 tsp at each feeding) one hour after his morning and midday bottle. I'm still giving him a full bottle, which for him is about 9 oz.
My first question is, am I doing this right? At some point, I think I'm supposed to switch to feeding solids before the bottle, but I'm not sure when to make that transition. Should I be doing that now?
Also, I'm having trouble gauging how much formula to give him since he has always been a bobber. (He bobs off and on the nipple to look around. He did this when I BF him, too, which was part of the reason we had to switch to formula because it was very hard for me to let down with all the squirming.) Burping helps a bit, but doesn't solve the problem, so I've had to just kind of guage from past experience how much he needs and continue to offer him the bottle until he takes that amount. (I gauge it by how long before the next feed he starts being hungry/fussy or waking early from his nap.) Any thoughts on at what point I should back off of the formula and when to increase solids intake above 2tsp?
I must say, I'm really looking forward to the time when my lo can feed himself because trying to figure out his food intake has been super confusing! He JUST started sleeping through the night when we started solids, so I'm happy that we're moving in the right direction. Thank you in advance for any advice you might be able to share.