hello! i hope this is the right place to post this! i feel kinda dumb not knowing the answer to this, but how exactly do i go about weaning my almost 12mo son? he still has 3 bfs per day (7am, 3pm & 7:30pm) i'd sort of like to start with consolidating the last 2 feeds into one and say feed him at 5:00pm. the only problem is, he still really wants to nurse at 3:00. yesterday i gave him a little bit of milk in a sippy, which he normally loves, but he knew something was up and grabbed at my shirt! i finally gave in and he nursed for a long time.
i suppose i want to wean because i haven't got my period yet and dh and i would like to ttc soon. also, i don't have a breast pump, so i've felt slightly "chained" for the past year and would really enjoy a bit more freedom, iykwim. i hope that doesn't sound cruel, i do love nursing and know i will miss it when ds is finished, but its been a long year!
oh yes, and he has his solids at 8am, 12:30pm and 5:30pm. so far i haven't really offered him snacks, so that could be the key?
so does anyone have any hints for how i could combine the 3pm and 7.30pm feeds into one 5pm feed?