I'm not sure which board to put this on, actually. DD has always been on the smaller size. 50th percentile for height, but 20-40th percentile for weight. At her lowest she was 12.5 percentile, at her chubbiest, she was 50th percentile. But, mostly 20-40th percentile. Because she was pretty consistent, we've never worried about her weight. She's been active, happy, etc. However...
Last week on Wednesday she got pink eye in both eyes. We took her into the doctor, and got her drops. Then on Friday we got a call from daycare that she had a 102 degree fever. Took her to the doc, checked her out all looked okay. Took her home, and she started coughing that night. She had a 99-100 degree fever all weekend, and was less interested in food and milk...but not completely off it. I'd say about 20% less of both. On Monday morning her temp was normal, she had a full sippy of milk (7-9 oz), and a good breakfast. Her grandparents watched her on Monday, and they called that after her nap she felt hot. She had a 102 degree fever. I brought her into the doc on Tuesday morning. He said she had brochitis, and heard some wheezing in her lungs. By that night, her fever was 103. We started her on antibiotics and albuterol (bronchial dilator). He said let her eat whatever she wants, she needs the calories. well... I got half an applesauce and about 14 ounces of Milk on Tuesday, and it has been pretty consistent from there on out. In the morning, she drinks about 2 ounces of milk now. I try to give her breakfast. I get about 2-3 bites into her before she starts throwing a FULL-ON tantrum. She picks up her milk and throws it. Smashes her cheerios and then does a windshield wiper move to toss all her food off her tray. Then starts crying and I mean CRYING. Screaming like a siren, big tears, on and on. I pick her up and take her away from the highchair, but it doesn't stop. She went on for 20 minutes just now. My mom saw it all and we're all stumped. I expected some frustrated behavior from the cold/virus. I'd expect her emotional tolerance is down. She IS throwing temper tantrums all day long right now. She can't move something how she wants, she starts crying. She isn't allowed to touch something, she starts crying. Her fever is gone. Her cough is still sort of there and yesterday was the last day of her medication. I put her on our scale, and she was 19.5 lbs a couple days ago. She's lost at least 1 lb since the start of this. Today she's eaten 3 bites of yogurt and apples, 2 slices of banana and 3oz of milk. It's just past her lunch time. She was absolutely NOT like this 1-1.5 weeks ago. When she was done eating, she'd throw her arms up and smile and say "done!" She never ate much, but the tantrum and the weight loss is really concerning us. I plan to call her doctor tomorrow morning to follow up. But, has anyone heard of anything like this? I don't know what to do. We've tried so many things to help her eat. Seriously, you name it, we've bought it. We even relented and bought stuff we'd swear we'd never make as part of her diet. Just so she'd eat something. She wont even try a bit. She clamps down, turns her head away and starts to cry.