Author Topic: Breastfeeding as painful with child #2?  (Read 774 times)

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Offline SarahK

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Breastfeeding as painful with child #2?
« on: February 25, 2008, 18:19:22 pm »
I am due with my second child in about 3 1/2 weeks.  I plan on breastfeeding this one like I did with my DS.   I'm curious if it will hurt as much in the beginning with #2.   It took about 4 weeks for the sore nipples, bleeding, and general pain to go away with my first.   I don't know if this is a normal timeframe or not - I didn't have very good resources at the time with doctors/lactation consultants.   I have much more confidence in my doctors and resources where we live now, but I'd still like to know what others' experiences have been with their subsequent children.

How long did it take for you and #2 to figure it out?
Was it as painful, and did you experience the sore, bleeding nipples again?  How long did it last?

Thanks!    I worry about this issue a lot, and while I believe it is worth any pain to bf, I have trouble imagining being able to handle that again while I have a 2 year old running around too!   If I can be more mentally prepared for it, I think that will help me get through those tough days.

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Re: Breastfeeding as painful with child #2?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 18:32:03 pm »

second time around you know what to look out for! Last time I had cracked nipples, little blisters that bled and I felt like I'd hit the celing every time she latched on it hurt so much. This time I made sure I had the lasinoh cream ready and waiting, and used it preventatively. Let milk dry on my nipples and left everything out to air dry as much as possible. It felt sore for the first couple days, a bit like a light sunburn when dd would first latch on but nothing worse than that.

If it hurts more, check your latch, get somebody else to check your latch, use that support - bf-ing doesn't need to kill - even at the beginning!

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Re: Breastfeeding as painful with child #2?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 18:33:55 pm »
You have SO much more knowledge the 2nd time around than you did with number1.  And you have the support here too.

the sore nipples etc are often due to the latch needing some tweaking or altering the position that you are feeding in to help get the best latch possible.  

If you are able to find some contacts NOW, before birth, of a lactation consultant then you can get in touch as soon as the baby is born and get help, before you run into troubles.  My LC came out during that first week to help with looking for a good latch and good position etc.  


Offline SarahK

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Re: Breastfeeding as painful with child #2?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 18:55:18 pm »
thanks - great advice on getting resources lined up now, before baby arrives!   I have started remembering the way things were with my DS.  I think my DH and mother were mortified by me walking around the house much of the day naked from the waist up and crying from the soreness.  I don't want to subject my 2 year old to that too.   ;D