Author Topic: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?  (Read 1114 times)

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Offline NannyOgg

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Hi all.  I joined this site because I wanted to ask about something I read in “The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems”.  I'm posting this in both the bottle-feeding and breast-feeding forums, as I wasn't sure which would be more relevant.

In the section about persuading a reluctant baby to take a bottle, Tracey tells the story of a woman whose 7-month-old had been refusing bottle while she was at work, and who eventually got him to take them by just not breastfeeding him, even after she came home, so that in the end he gave up and took a bottle later that evening.  The bit I wanted to ask about was that Tracey then advised the woman not to breastfeed him for two days, in order to avoid him refusing bottles again once he'd had a breastfeed.  She told the woman that if she gave him nothing but bottles for two days, after that he would go back and forth between breast and bottle without problems.  However, she doesn't say whether this actually happened or how things turned out for this woman.

So – have any of you tried this with a reluctant bottle-feeder?  I don't mean just refusing to breastfeed them until they've taken a bottle, but refusing to breastfeed at all for a day or two until they were really used to taking bottles, then going back to breastfeeding with bottles some of the time.  I'm thinking about trying this with my daughter when I go back to work, as she's currently refusing to take bottles – I know this is going to make life really difficult when I do go back, and I would like to get the really hard part over as quickly as possible.  I've heard that often babies will refuse bottles during the day for the first week or two after their mother goes back to work, and I'd like to avoid this.  So, if refusing to breastfeed her for a day or two will get her to the point where she does go back and forth between breast and bottle more easily, it could be worth it.  If anyone has tried this technique, I would really like to hear how you got on with it.  Thanks.

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Re: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 23:48:25 pm »
Hi there and welcome! I personally didn't do this method, but I did have a baby who refused bottles.  How old is your lo and when are you going back to work?  I found it worked quite well to move to a sippy cup when she was about 6 months or so for the daytime feeds when I couldn't be with her and continue nursing in the morning and at night, when i was home with her.  Would this be an option at all for you?
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Offline lilyn22

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Re: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 02:29:32 am »
i had a similar problem with my DS..for us,we basically gave him the bottle only for 2 days (lots of crying, didn't like it at all, but we persisted), then he was taking it really then i also was starting to transition him over to the sitter's in the day time, so we'd hang out at the sitter's for most of the day, and i'd express milk which the sitter would give him..he now takes a bottle easily at the sitter and nurses at home and on weekends!
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Re: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 10:22:29 am »
Hi another thing you could do is get a different bottle. I use the breastflow by first steps, my lo took to it straight away.


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Offline NannyOgg

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Re: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 10:15:10 am »
Lilyn - Thank you!  How old was your LO when you tried this?  And how many hours did it take on the first day before he would take the bottle at all?  (I'd like to know what we're in for!)  It's really good to hear from somebody for whom this worked.

Erin - She'll be 16 weeks old when I go back, so I don't think she'll be quite old enough for a sippy.  I do plan to introduce one as soon as I can!

Kate - Had your baby been refusing other bottles before trying the Breastflow?  I've tried several different ones and she seems to accept some more than others, but won't drink more than a tiny amount from any of them.  I thought about trying the Breastflow, but it's expensive with no guarantee of it working, so I decided not to bother.  If your LO was refusing everything else before taking that one then maybe I'll reconsider!

BTW, all - sorry for spelling Tracy's name wrong!  I did mean to check before I posted, but forgot.

Offline tan-and-izzy

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Re: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 15:07:05 pm »

I am trying this at the moment, just started this morning. My lo will take a bottle but at the moment she only takes between 1 and 3 oz every 2 hours reluctantly. I am going to persist and try to extend the time in between to get her to take more but if anybody has any advice it would be welcome. She is 6 months at the moment. I decided not to use a cup because we are using a doidy cup for water and we would spill to much precious expressed milk.

NannyOgg - I will let you know how it goes.

Also I am just using a standard bottle, because that is what she has always had when she has had a bollte from time to time. Would changing now confuse her more?

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Re: Going cold turkey for two days to get breastfed baby used to bottle?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2008, 16:08:49 pm »
Hi, sorry for only just getting back to you. The answer is no i hadn't tried any other bottles, it just seemed like the best one to go for as it was the closest to breast feeding. I also didn't won't him to get used to feeding easy and therefore not feeding well for me (i have issues with that from last lo).

Sorry if im not much help just thought they were a good bottle 8)

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