About a week and a half ago my 5 almost 6 month old started shortening and or stopping her naps...this baby has always been a great sleeper....she usually catnapped or took several catnaps in the am and a long nap (2-3 hours) in the afternnoon and would be in her bassinette by 7:30 asleep and sleep through the night or at least till 5am....she is swaddled because it seems to calm her and maker her happy.....
This week or so she is refusing naps, and is having a hard time sleeping at night, and I am sure the naps are contributing to this...I am still swaddling her which seems to her off and when I unswaddle her she gets ed off as well, so I can't do right there....a couple of changes have taken place...we moved her into her crib, and she is having cereal now...and I think she is teething.....its kinda getting out of control and I feel she is getting more and more overtired by the day....I went with my gut instinct and swaddled her again while she gets used to her crib, now she is not a stranger to her crib, she usually naps in it....I am trying to follow the 4 hour EASY but everything is getting thrown out of order lately and I don't know what to do anymore....CIO isn't working either, she will scream for 2 hours even thouhg I check on her every 10 minutes or so.....how can I get out of this rut we are going through? is this due to developmental changes? thanks in advance!