DS has a very sensitive system: "multiple food allergies"/GERD?Moderate Colitis.
We started treating him with Previcid and an elimination BF diet at 6 weeks. We also started adding rice ceral to his bottles. Strickly eliminating milk, soy, peanuts, and wheat provided no change. After 3 weeks of this diet, I abandoned BF and he has been strickly drinking a Neocate and rice ceral mix with success. Around 4.5 months, I attempted to reintroduce BM (from the freezer) that was free of the above allergens. I gave him 2oz for 6 days and was able to notice a subtle negative change.
DS with be 6mo (physically, 5mo gestationally) next week. Because of the physical clues he has been giving me, I decided to try solids before our 6mo check up next week. On Saturday, I gave him some rice ceral from a spoon.
Today, I gave him 1/2oz of pears in a.m. Since then, he has hardly slept. He normally sleeps 6 hours during the day. Today, he has taken 4 1/2 hour naps. Other than being tired and not sleeping, he is not showing any signs of distress.
Could the introduction of the solids be effecting his sleep??
Please help.