Hi Aleesa. Many thanks again for taking the time to reply to my ramblings

Just to let you know what we did today - he slept through again (

) till 6.30 this morning, from 5.45 p.m. yesterday. He woke happy and chatty. I was actually expecting him to wake crying, so that was a nice surprise. Since yesterday was such a disaster and he fought us on that 2nd nap, I thought I'd go for broke and put him down for the one nap but this time make it earlier. He did really well till 1/2 way through lunch at 11 when he started to get upset. We finished lunch quickly, had some wind-down and then I gave him a bottle and put him to bed. He whinged for a couple of minutes and then I didn't hear from him till 1.30. So that was great, a 2 hr sleep. Well, it all went haywire after that! Again he was really happy till we hit 4 p.m. and he just had a complete meltdown. I hurried him through dinner (I was going to give him a 4.30 dinner and put to bed at about 6) and did bath, bottle and bed by 5.15. It did seem way too early for me but he was really upset, very unlike him. He did perk up a bit in the bath, though. There was lots of eye rubbing and yawns in there. He didn't settle immediately, so I went back in and gave the rest of the bottle he didn't finish and some extra cuddles. He then was happy to go to bed. So that was about 5.45 as it turned out anyway. It's been two hours now and he hasn't stirred, which is a good sign.
I'm really having a hard time reading this kid!! It looks like he's definitely on one nap a day now but I just can't get the timing right. If I put him down too early in the day he will still give a good nap but refuses the 2nd, then it's such a huge stretch till bed - like yesterday it was 8 hours

He was happy, though

Whereas today when I stretch him out in the a.m. and it was a shorter A period till bed, he had a meltdown

I didn't mention that I did try for a nap later in the afternoon, at about 4.15 but he wasn't having a bar of it

So...what to do??? Should I put him down at 10 tomorrow and hope he'll do at least 2 hours, then make bed at 5.30 - which is still 5.5 hours!! Eeek!!
I totally agree with the sleep training being put on hold while he's ill. I don't mean to be facetious (sp) but I really feel if I can get the nap timing right that I wouldn't have to do any wi/wo, etc. He really is a great sleeper normally and once we hit on a good routine and the timing is right then I don't even need cues from him, I just put him down and off he goes.
I would wait until he is well and truly over his ear infection, before training for one nap again.
This is what I did yesterday, normal nap time a little after 9 a.m. (he went down very easily) but then the little monkey refused the 2nd nap completely! TBH, I don't know that he'll go back to 2 naps now, and I'm scared to try in case he does a repeat performance of yesterday!
If I keep waking him, how do I know what his "true" awake time is?
Obviously it's not an issue any more if I'm not having to wake him to start the day or after a period of time into his morning nap.
Hope to get this mess all sorted soon. It's school hols here now and I don't know WTH to do in regards to going out and about in the morning. I don't want poor DS1 to miss out
