My DD has been a terrible napper for a while, but I just haven't been able to focus on getting things figured out... but am seeking help now.
I think she is wanting to go down to one nap. She wants about 4 hours A time upon waking... problem is, she often has early morning wakings. She will not take a 2nd nap unless her first nap is no longer than 45 min, and the second nap must be after 4 hours A time also... so if it's 2 naps, it's two short naps (she never takes a long nap in the afternoons). I have tried doing one nap only, but she will never sleep any longer than one hour. I have tried slowly pushing her nap later and it ends up being one hour or less still. So she is very tired by the evening. Due to managing the rest of my family I can't really get her to bed any earlier than 6:30 pm. She also has at least a couple NW every night.
How should I go about fixing this situation? What do I do when she wakes up too early when I'm trying to attempt one long nap? I tried pu/pd in the past to get her back to sleep for naps and it never worked--she always just got hysterical.
So her routine might look like this [this was today] (2 naps):
5:45 am wake up
9:45-10:30 nap
2:20-3:00 nap
7 bed
--OR-- (one nap)
7 am wake up
11:10-12 nap
6:30 bed
Thanks in advance...