Author Topic: please i need tips to help with daytime naps!!!!!!!!!  (Read 749 times)

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Offline vifeta

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please i need tips to help with daytime naps!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 23, 2008, 17:15:03 pm »
Hi, i am new to this site. i found it recently when i was looking for a site where i could discuss and chat with other moms, just like i did wheni was preggo.
this is my first child and i have a 15 week DS!!!!!!
i will appreciate any tips on how to encourage my DS to take his daytime naps in his cot. he is fine sleeping in his cot at night but he wouldn't during the day.
DH ,Grandma and I carry him a lot, he used to nap on our chest cos we found that this way he wasn't too troubled by the wind. but now the wind is slowly passing. i am finding it hard to get him to nap in his cot.
he is fine falling asleep but when i put him down he cries and is wide awke after 15minutes.
i have tried ignoring him but he cries and i can't bear it so i pick him up?
anyone got any tips

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Re: please i need tips to help with daytime naps!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 19:36:27 pm »
Hi Vifeta,
Have you read through the Frequently Asked Questions at the top of the Naps board?  LOTS of really great information and tips, even real problem situations with ways to solve them.  It is important to learn about how babies sleep first before you can start to solve napping problems. 
When you mention wind, do you mean outside or do you mean baby has gas/tummy problems? 
Sounds like he is used to sleeping on your chest and now he thinks that is how he is suppose to go to sleep so he doesn't understand that he is to sleep in his cot even during the day. When he starts crying in his cot, try talking quietly to him with a hand gently placed on his chest or tummy first to see if that stops him crying.  If not, then pick him up if you have to but as soon as he stops crying, gently put him back down and talk to him, hand on his chest/tummy so he knows you are there.  You may have to repeat this for a while.  It will take time for him to learn how to go to sleep on his own, you have to help him and show him how to do it.  :)
Also, don't let your baby cry it out, it doesn't work and only leads to more problems down the road. 
Hang in there, he is still little and doesn't know how to go to sleep on his own so be patient, it will take time.  Let us know how you are doing!