Sorry all, me again
Ok so last week I posted because Behtnay's habitual 10.5 hour nights were getting shorter. After great help from Claire's Mum
we figures out she was OT.
We packed some day time sleep into her and when her settling at bedtime and for naps improved I tried W2S last weekend and was delighted it worked. Thanks Tracy!!
3 days of bliss with the same.
All went wrong last Tuesday. Only slept 1.5 hours at nursery and refused 2nd nap. DH away and DD1 had to be picked up from soemwhere so no chance for an early night. When she eventually got to bed she took an hour to go to sleep then only ahd 10.5 hours. Def OT. Miserable on waking. Not good .......
So tried to get more sleep in her to catch up. Wed she had 2 hour nap plus 40 mins. Better to sleep at night but still only 10.5 hours
Thurs - 1 hour nap and 40 mins. Ditto but when she woke during w2s I was eventually able to get her back to sleep and she did 11.5 hours so obviously had been still tired.
But therefore a good start for friday with 11.5 hours in her. Did 1.5 hour nap plus 30 min cat nap. Went to sleep great. Also when I went in to do w2s she did not seem restless (as she had done the past few days) but tight asleep. So I was really optimistic that we were back on top..... but she woke after 10 hours!!!! ie worse!! obviously still tired, etc etc
So what is wrong? IS she still OT from last Tuesday?? Can one day really throw her that much??!!!
I should mention that she did have her MMR jab yesterday and I know this can cause issues, but she really seemed fine afterwards and does seem happy enough so am ruling this out
Any thoughts appreciated
E x