My ds is just a few days shy of 9 months. I apologize if this is somewhat repetitive with respect to other posts, but I couldn't really find an answer to my dilemna. So, here goes...
Here was his schedule before everything went nuts.
6am - wake
6:30 - BF
8:00 - solids
9:30 - nap
10:45 - wake
11:00 - BF
12:00 - solids
1:45 - nap
3:00 - wake and BF
5:00 - solids
6:00 - BF
6:30 - bed
About 2-3 weeks ago, he started refusing his afternoon naps. I tried tinkering with with the morning nap time and the afternoon nap time with no success. Then, in the past few days, I can't even get him to take the morning nap. We go through the usual routine and he's hysterical the moment he's in his crib, often before I even set him down. He's teething and on the verge of fully crawling. I have a video monitor and he's definitely practicing crawling at night, but he seems to (knock on wood) still sleep ok at night (he goes to sleep on his own). For daytime, I've taken to take him for walks to get him to sleep at all. But, I just can't walk him 3 hours a day. What can I do??? He's so overtired and fussy.