Hello there,
I have so many questions! I thank you all in advance for your help. I don't have any friends with kids or family where I live, so I'm kind of feeling this whole SAHM thing out on my own. I'm so mad it took me so long to discover the BW way! I've been trying to talk our our pediatrician about our 7.5-month-old LO's sleep habits for months, and her response has been, "Well, she's just not a great sleeper." But that isn't true at all -- we had just fallen into accidental parenting, facilitated by some bad advice from our doctor!
So... Where to begin? We've been on EASY over a week and have seen near-immediate (and awe-inspiring) results. But, I think our routine needs to be tweaked, especially when it comes to when to feed solids (we're just getting started -- in our second week). First, our morning nap went from 45 minutes (or less) to 1.5 hours. Amazing! The mid-afternoon nap, however, is still a struggle: she goes down crying, wakes up at 45 minutes, and won't go back to sleep until/unless I nurse her (then she'll go back down for another 1-1.25 hours). Note: if I nurse her mid-nap, I do NOT nurse her to sleep. She is definitely awake when she goes back down, then she settles herself back to sleep. The problem isn't putting herself to sleep -- she definitely understands our sleep rituals (closing the blinds, turning on the white noise machine, getting into her sleep sack) and she knows how to fall asleep on her own (she sucks her thumb to sleep -- but wait, is that a prop?!?). We bit the bullet and got a video monitor, which I highly recommend. Most afternoons I watch her wake up, like clockwork, at the 45-minute mark. She'll rouse, play with her feet or the zipper of her sleep sack, and then try to put herself back to sleep, sucking away on her thumb, closing her eyes... to no avail. Some days she can do this for up to 45 minutes before beginning to cry. It just seems like she has trouble staying asleep in the middle of the day... but then, if I nurse her right in the middle and she sleeps, is it an eating problem, a sleep association problem, a too-short wind-down problem, or an overstimulation problem?!?! (But I also wonder if she needs that 5th feed, since she's not eating much solids-wise and no longer has any middle-of-the-night feedings, either.) I've tried shorter Activity intervals as well as longer ones and they don't seem to matter.
What else is important to know? She gets really tired after about 2 hours of wake time, which seems kind of short for her age. She sleeps 100% through the night, no dream feeds, down between 6:30-7pm and up between 6-6:30am. She had an ear infection at the 6-month mark, which we treated with amoxycilin. She has eczema right now, which seems to bother her mainly when we change her diaper (when the skin is exposed and itchy). One tooth has come in already; she may be gearing up for a second one. What else? She just pulled up to standing yesterday (me pulling), which she seemed very pleased about. As for solid foods, she has not been too interested. Rice cereal initiated the eczema rash (which now just won't seem to go away!); bananas seemed to seriously constipate her and exacerbate the rash; we tried avocados this morning but she wasn't interested... but then, she is rarely interested in solids in the morning, which makes me wonder if she's eating too much milk in the morning to have any drive for solids before her first nap. (I wonder this because she usually eats solids at dinner time with relative interest.) What else? I had oversupply issues when she was a newborn and so she drank one side a time for months -- probably creating a snacking syndrome, now that I think about it. She only started sleeping through the night about three weeks ago. Oh, other things to know: I don't usually go in unless there's at least 5 minutes of continuous crying. We have tried Ferber, with more success than failure, as she learned how to settle herself and go to sleep on her own. Before that I was pretty much nursing her on demand, 2-3 times a night and nursing her to sleep. I have begun the PU/PD method to mixed reviews. No matter what, though, she stays in the crib for the duration of her nap period, with me leaving her bed until she starts crying continuously and then PU/PD until the nap period is up. Then we try to keep her up to the next nap slot. If the next "slot" is bedtime, we put her to bed a little earlier than usual.
What's also weird is that this morning she only took a 45-minute morning nap. My heart sank! We've had over a week of good, long morning naps and now this? She woke up and played in her crib for another 45 minutes and was totally content when I finally gave up on more sleep coming and went in to greet her. So I guess she wasn't that sleepy. But she yawned three times before I put her down! Of course she was cranky until the next nap... and woke up after 45 minutes into the second nap REALLY cranky... until I nursed her and she settled back down. Just not sure where to start, really.
Here's our routine:
6-6:30am: wake / bfeed (This feed is LONG... like drains both boobs long -- sometimes almost an hour of feeding.)
7:30-8am: solids breakfast (or so we try... also, seems awfully close to nap.)
8-8:30am: nap (usually 1.5 hours, until this morning!!)
10-10:30: bf
(we usually go outside for a short walk in the carrier, to the store or around the block, after this)
12-12:30 nap (usually 45 minutes unless I intervene, which I've been trying not to do!)
2-2:30: bf
(we usually go outside for a walk in the stroller after this. If the 3rd nap happens, it's "allowed" in the stroller.)
4-5: nap if needed
5: solids (so far, sweet potatoes)
6-6:30: bf
bath / book
6:30-7:00 final bf top-off and bedtime
I've been afraid to eliminate that very last top-off for fear that she'll wake up hungry at night. Am I kidding myself? I need to cut out that right-before-bed feeding, don't I?
Again, I thank you all in advance for your advice. I am so grateful to have found this online community!