Hi Lyns,
Just wanted to share with you that dh and I have tried to stick to BW with our son, Sam, but one night dh slept through his alarm to do the df and we found that Sam slept through to 1-2am and then until 7:30am, instead of being fed at 11pm and then 3am and then 7:30am. So we have stopped the df and now only get up once a night.
Also Marie I wanted to encourage you to be consistent about what you do when you are trying to extend your baby's naps. We have had trouble with Sam's sleeping in the afternoon since he was 2 weeks old. We found that wrapping him tightly and using a white noise cd on repeat helped. However, he still often cries between 5-7pm and we just consistently use shh/pat. Sometimes he doesn't sleep much in that period. Sam is now 12 weeks and over time he has got a lot easier and has cried a lot less in the afternoons and evenings.
Hope this helps,