Author Topic: How do I know if LO is hungry?  (Read 1319 times)

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Offline bestsmilee

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How do I know if LO is hungry?
« on: January 10, 2013, 21:17:48 pm »
Seems like a silly question, I know...but usually he will be really fussy after 3 hours or I'd feed him after his nap - but today he napped through the 3 hour mark but I fed him right before 4 hours passed. Now it's been 3 hours 20 min since his last feeding and he is just sitting in his chair (well he should be napping). I feel like during the night he can go longer than 3 hours but he wakes so frequently (and this is the first day we have waited more than 3 hours between feedings) I don't know how to pick out which wakings are from hunger and which are not. Any advice? I am going to feed him by the 3 hr 30 mark. (I figured I had nothing to lose with spacing his feedings during the day since it wasn't bothering him, since at night I still feed him pretty frequently anyway.)

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Re: How do I know if LO is hungry?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 03:13:21 am »
What we say is that generally we expect babies to go as long at night as they can during the day. 
How old is your LO?  In the beginning, they tend to be a bit all over the map -- if you're getting lots of wakings at night you probably want to keep to feeding every 3ish hours during the day. 

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Re: How do I know if LO is hungry?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2013, 09:47:42 am »
I see from your other posts that your LO is 4mo so that is probably about right to start stretching feeds past 3hrs. Many BF LOs take a while longer to get to 4hrs so 3.5 might be a good place to sit for a while.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011