Thanks Lyndsy. I do feel bad as when I tell her that there is no milk til morning (when she was asking in the afternooon) she put her head in her hands and cried! was very sad. They are very smart these little people.
Today was ok - there was no asking for milk, other than in the morning after she was finished, but as I said in previous post, she was distracted ok. I've been sick all day so we had a day at home doing nothing (cold and wet too) and really spent every minute with her. she did fuss when I left the room, but I guess we have to ride the SA out.
As much as I feel sad about finishing bf, this at least has me preparing in my mind for it - if that makes sense. I don't want to be overly emotional and taken by surprise (yeh, who am I kidding) so I need to prepare myself. After this bout of SA I think I will wean the morning feed (the last....) but will need dh I think - he's great, but so not a morning person, esp now it's winter. At least I'm getting my head (and heart) around it.
As I'm sick she has gone out to dinner with daddy (my nieces' bday dinner) so I am at home resting - cant' remember the last time I was at home at night by myself!!! (she will be fine with daddy, as if he's home, he is the flavour of the month!)