Author Topic: nightime feed  (Read 618 times)

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Offline melalyse

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nightime feed
« on: June 08, 2008, 02:46:09 am »
Hi - I have a question about warming up bottles for a night feed.
I usually BF but I am leaving DD with a babysitter and I will be home pretty late. DD is 4 months. There is a big chance that DD will wake up to eat while I am away and I'll leave a pumped bottle. My question is how does the babysitter warm up the bottle without taking DD out of the dark room and without letting her cry.  Those of you that bottle feed for all night feeds how do you work it?
[img width= height= alt=baby" border="0][/img]

Offline Lindsay07

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Re: nightime feed
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 17:53:43 pm »

DS still sometimes eats in the early a.m.

We've always had a bottle prepped in the fridge, then warmed it on a frying pan.  Warm the pan on the stove for a few seconds, then pour the bottle onto the pan...swirl it around a few times, then pour it back into the bottle.  Shake it up and test the temp on your wrist.
It is much better to have the milk too cool than too warm, so better to take it off sooner rather than later.  It's kind of a science, so be careful the first few times you try it!
TIP:  If you have to pour the milk back onto the pan b/c it's too cool, only put it back on for a few seconds, not nearly as long as you left it the first time...  the pan is already so warm that it'll get hot fast.
Another TIP:  IF the milk is too hot, pour some out and add some extra from the fridge (if you can store some extra, it would be really good).  This will help cool it down quickly... it's a REAL pain to try to wait out cooling it down.  Putting the bottle into the fridge or freezer doesn't work as quickly as you might think!  Especially when lo is calling for you!
Another TIP!:  A deeper frying pan is easier to pour than a shallow one.. we have a pan that we ONLY use for warming bottles!

As for the crying, you can't really avoid it...  I wouldn't take lo out of the room, and you certainly can't when you're trying to prep a bottle quickly!  It only takes a couple of mins, if that.  I feed ds in his crib, I don't even pick him up to feed him!  Sometimes I'll pick him up after the feed to burp him, but sometimes not.  And he falls instantly back asleep after he's done.

Good luck!  hope this helps!
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