My ds is just over 10 months old and I am not really sure what or when the next step is with his feeding/milk schedule. Currently he takes in the following over the course of a day (seems like he's eating or drinking all day!):
6:30am - BF
7:15 - breakfast - usually 2 3.5 ounce containers of baby food
9:45 - 7 ounces of expressed breast milk
12:00 - lunch - usually 2-3 containers of baby food
2:45 - 7 ounces of expressed breast milk
5:00 - dinner - 2-3 containers of baby food
6:10 - BF and bed
Here are my questions:
[1] He doesn't seem particularly interested in feeding himself (either with the spoon or with his sippy cup). Is this unusual? Should I encourage self-feeding and, if so, how?
[2] He seems pretty happy at this point just eating baby food. How can I get him interested in regular food? I've tried offering Cheerios (he's not really interested) and he'll eat tiny bits of a banana, but I haven't tried much beyond that. How will I know when he's ready to transition to baby food? I've been hesitant because I don't really know what to try and what do I do if he doesn't eat it? Do I just give him the regular baby food meal if he doesn't want the regular food?
[3] When does he drop to 3 milk intakes (from 4) per day? How does his feeding (and sleeping) schedule change at that point?
Thanks so much!