I hope you can give some advice. My lo is 4 months next week and he is in a 3.5 hrs EASY, he takes 5 bottles and a DF; in every feed (including the DF) he takes at the moment 6.5 oz so his intake per day is 39oz that it seems a lot but he is a hungry baby...alwayssss takes full feed!!
We want to move him to a 4hrs EASY so we will decrease his intake just to 5 bottles(including DF);but my husband and I are quiet not sure if we need to slipt the full 6.5oz between the 5 bottles as this will give us around 1.3oz more per feed that, in other words we will give him almost 8oz....I we think it could be too much for this age. In the other hand he sleeps through the night so we are afraid that if we decrease the intake he might start waking up.
We have discussed the possibility to increase just to 7oz or increase the 1st and last feed to 8...but we are not completly sure.
Anyone has some experience or have somo sugestions...please
Also, to transition to 4hrs EASY which is the best way to do that??
Thank you for your help!!