Author Topic: Early Wakings creeping up on us! Need some help.  (Read 688 times)

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Early Wakings creeping up on us! Need some help.
« on: June 16, 2008, 19:37:39 pm »
DH and I started doing toddler PD/GW about 2-3 weeks ago and DS has STTN for most of it. The EW's got better and all week he slept until 5:45am-6am. But for the past 3 days he's been up between 4:45am-5am. He has refused to go back to sleep. We've been doing the toddler PD and GW until 6am. I'm wondering if the EW's are related to his 2 naps.

We tried for a couple months to switch him to one nap as he seemed to be showing signs. But when we did the sleep training I put him on 2 naps because he was OT. Now he isn't OT, but seems ready to sleep for both naps. I have been keeping the am nap on the shorter side (between 30-60 minutes depending on what time he falls asleep and when he woke up that morning). And I always have him up by 3:30 so he'll go to bed by 7:30.

And since he's been up so early for the past 3 days I have let him sleep a bit longer (about an hour) for the am nap. Could this be making it worse?

Today has looked like this:

4:55am Wake - tried PD/chair
6am -Up for the day & nurse
7:15 - early breakfast (normally 7:30)
7:55 - Asleep (I put him down because he was cranky and seemed tired) slept until 9am
1pm - PM Nap

He'll probably be up by 2:30... it'd be shocking if he sleeps until 3pm. I am planning to put him to bed for 7pm.

Is it possible that he needs to switch to one nap?  I heard that it could help with the EW. I don't know what to do. I just don't want the NW's to start back up.
Kirsty - Mommy to Joel (02/25/07))

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Re: Early Wakings creeping up on us! Need some help.
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2008, 18:23:46 pm »
any thoughts?

I find that if I nurse him at 4:45am he will sleep until 7:30!! But when I tried doing this awhile ago NW's started. I don't knwo what to do.
Kirsty - Mommy to Joel (02/25/07))

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Re: Early Wakings creeping up on us! Need some help.
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2008, 19:44:34 pm »
Hi again!
I found that we got EW when my son was ready to switch to one nap. Also, if he is going down for his first nap at 7:55, this may be robbing from his night sleep. I would hold off on his am nap until at least 9am(no matter what time he wakes) so that his body doesn't think that he can make up lost night sleep so early in the day. Is his longest nap in the am or pm?
You could try:
6am wake
9-9:45 ( with a view to cutting it even further to 30 mins)nap #1
7pm bedtime.
We did a long am nap as he has always been able to stay awake in the am for longer periods. A pm catnap worked for about a month or so and then it just made bedtime too late thus causing overtiredness. I also found that if for some reason he wouldn't take a catnap, at least he got a long nap at one point in the day and I could try to ward off OT with an early bedtime.

Stick to the GW for all NW no matter what time. They are smart cookies at this age and know that you will cave eventually and nurse so they will sleep later!Once I give an inch, he takes a mile with the NW's and before I know it he's up 2-3 times a night again!