Yes, it is good to share ideas!
This is a typical day for us...
6-7 am Stir, but I pop in the dummy & she'll go back for a while
7.30 am We're always up by now, BF
8am Solids (we set off for school at 8.40)
9.00 Back from sch if we ididn't have time for solids bfore leaving I do it now!!)
9.30 Nap 1.5 hrs (hate to wake her but she won't fit in a full hr before 3 on her 2nd nap otherwise)
11am BF
12.00 Solids
1.15 Sneaky BF here as she'll take more when she's drowsy & not so distracted & lively!!
1.30 Nap 1.5 hrs
3pm Wake her again (Grrrr I hate disturbing her!!) time for school run
5pm BF (again I can get more milk down her when she's less active & she doesn't fall asleep on the breast now either)
5.30 Catnap 30 mins (in car or on walk - I now feel bad for Xan as he has to accompany me!)
6pm Solids
6.45 Bath
7.15 Last BF
7.30 bed
DF btn 10 & 11.
I'd love to get onto 2 naps then she could sleep longer but the 3pm school run interferes with this - If Xan is at a friends hse or an after school activity till after 4pm I can do that but I'm iffy about flitting from 3 naps to 2 then back.
Yes, you were lucky with the DF - I wish we could just ditch it cold turkey but I'm not optimistic it would work. She'd wake for it i'm sure.....probably every hour!!!
Is that way to finish a feed early called 'gentle removal'?
You do a fantastic job with your family (and still time to express even?!! - My Avent pump went binwards when number 2 arrived - I'm too pulled out to even THINK about that!!!)
Zane does really well to last out til bedtime - I bet your other children keep him amused though?!
Does Zane bf okay during the day fter a nap or does he get easily dosctracted like Elise - ow doyou keep him still or is he just good like that?
TBH I'm dreading having to do the DF at 9pm - Elise's cot is still in our room and I'd dread disturbing her when we come to bed (then again it's an excuse for an early night!!).
Also, I'm at a 40th dinner in 10 days - I'll be due to DF at about 9.30/10 by then - will I have to leave early or risk her waking? I'd normally be ok as I do it at 11pm but I'm not sure if she'd last till 11 if I've been bringing it forward.
How would you do it if you had to do away with it cold turkey/fastrack or is this not an option for me as it's such a big feed?